[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2019-04-05 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jesse Glick resolved as Incomplete  



 Zach Welz’s case sounds like a bug in durable-task. Hard to say without knowing how to reproduce from scratch. Maxfield Stewart’s case is a duplicate of a well-known open bug about cancelling quiet mode. ilya s’s case is as designed (JENKINS-51928). Ditto plytro. Some other cases are old and likely correspond to behavioral fixes in either timeout or specific nested steps done in the past. I am closing this issue as it is mixing up a lot of distinct cases and is pretty old. Please do not reopen or add comments. If you have what you consider a bug (after reading JENKINS-51928) which is reproducible using the latest released versions of all plugins and a current Jenkins LTS, please file a separate (but linked) bug report with complete, minimal, self-contained steps to reproduce the problem from scratch.  


 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40839  
  pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


Change By: 
 Jesse Glick  
 Open Resolved  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2019-04-01 Thread jonathan_g...@comcast.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jonathan Gray commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Looks like this is still going on: Jenkins 2.164.1 Pipeline: Basic Steps 2.15  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-11-13 Thread jtabo...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jose Blas Camacho Taboada assigned an issue to Unassigned  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40839  
  pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


Change By: 
 Jose Blas Camacho Taboada  
 Jose Blas Camacho Taboada  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-14 Thread svano...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sam Van Oort assigned an issue to Jose Blas Camacho Taboada  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40839  
  pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


Change By: 
 Sam Van Oort  
 Jose Blas Camacho Taboada  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-04 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jesse Glick commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Amir Barkal that case is perhaps a duplicate of JENKINS-28822.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-02 Thread amirbar...@sparkbeyond.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Amir Barkal edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Another simple reproduction of the timeout() step not throwing an exception:  {code :java }node() { try {   timeout(time: 3 as Integer, unit: 'SECONDS') { int result = sh(returnStatus: true, script:'sleep 5')   }}catch(e) {  println "TIMEOUT" // Will never get here  throw e }}{code}  Env details:Jenkins [2.138|https://jenkins.io/]workflow-basic-steps 2.9   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-02 Thread amirbar...@sparkbeyond.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Amir Barkal edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Another simple reproduction of the timeout() step not throwing an exception:{code}node() { try { timeout(time: 3 as Integer, unit: 'SECONDS') { int result = sh(returnStatus: true, script:'sleep 5')} } catch(e) { println "TIMEOUT" // Will never get here throw e }}{code}  Env details:Jenkins [2.138|https://jenkins.io/]workflow-basic-steps 2.9   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-02 Thread amirbar...@sparkbeyond.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Amir Barkal edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Another simple reproduction of the timeout() step not throwing an exception:{code}node() { try {   timeout(time: 3 as Integer, unit: 'SECONDS') {   int result = sh(returnStatus: true, script:'sleep 5')  }}catch(e) {  println "TIMEOUT" // Will never get here  throw e }}{code}  Env details:Jenkins [2.138|https://jenkins.io/]workflow-basic-steps 2.9   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-02 Thread amirbar...@sparkbeyond.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Amir Barkal edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Another simple reproduction of the timeout() step not throwing an exception:   { quote code }  node() {     try{      {quote}  {quote}   timeout(time : 3 as Integer, unit: 'SECONDS') { int result = sh(returnStatus: true, script:'sleep 5')  }} catch(e) {   {quote}  {quote}   println "TIMEOUT" //  will  Will  never get here !     throw e      } }  { quote code }    Env details:Jenkins [2.138|https://jenkins.io/]workflow-basic-steps 2.9   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-02 Thread amirbar...@sparkbeyond.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Amir Barkal edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Another simple reproduction of the timeout() step not throwing an exception: {quote}node() {   try {        timeout(time: 3 as Integer, unit: 'SECONDS')  {quote}  {quote}      int result = sh  timeout ( returnStatus time }} catch(e)  {  {quote}  Unknown macro: \ { quote}    println "TIMEOUT" // will never get here!   throw e   }}  {quote} Env details:Jenkins [2.138|https://jenkins.io/]workflow-basic-steps 2.9   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-02 Thread amirbar...@sparkbeyond.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Amir Barkal edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Another simple reproduction of the timeout() step not throwing an exception: {quote}node() {  try {    timeout(time: 3 as Integer, unit: 'SECONDS')  {         int result = sh(returnStatus : true, script: 'sleep 5')     } }catch(e)  {  Unknown macro: \{   println "TIMEOUT" // will never get here!    throw e    }}{quote} Env details:Jenkins [2.138|https://jenkins.io/]workflow-basic-steps 2.9   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-09-02 Thread amirbar...@sparkbeyond.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Amir Barkal commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Another simple reproduction of the timeout() step not throwing an exception:   

node() {   try {     timeout(time: 3 as Integer, unit: 'SECONDS')  

Unknown macro: {       int result = sh(returnStatus} 
 } catch(e)  

Unknown macro: {   println "TIMEOUT" // will never get here!   throw e   } 
   Env details: Jenkins 2.138 workflow-basic-steps 2.9    



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-08-05 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jesse Glick commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Maxfield Stewart 

While the sleep is running, put Jenkins in shutdown. Then cancel shutdown.
 is an unrelated known bug in workflow-cps-plugin. Zach Welz / plytro your cases are as designed. The timeout step throws an exception indicating that its body exceeded the timeout; you caught the exception and decided to proceed.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-08-05 Thread ilya.shaisulta...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 ilya s edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Doesn't that basically defeat the purpose of this step? The expectation for users is that the timeout will kill whatever's in the timeout block. Effectively, this means that timeouts cannot be enforced by the pipeline when using libraries that  aren  don 't explicitly rethrow timeout exceptions.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-08-05 Thread ilya.shaisulta...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 ilya s commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Doesn't that basically defeat the purpose of this step? The expectation for users is that the timeout will kill whatever's in the timeout block. Effectively, this means that timeouts cannot be enforced by the pipeline when using libraries that aren't explicitly rethrow timeout exceptions.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-08-05 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jesse Glick commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   



The expectation for users is that the timeout will kill whatever's in the timeout block.
 Which it did. Whether or not the corresponding exception results in an immediate termination of the overall build with an ABORTED status is up to the script to decide.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-08-05 Thread ilya.shaisulta...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 ilya s commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 According to this example that's not accurate, since in the output we still get the second echo from within the timeout block.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-04-17 Thread mstew...@riotgames.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Maxfield Stewart edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Here's my minimal repro for this: {code:java}node ('somelabel) {  timeout (30) {      timetstamps timestamps  {        withEnv(someEnvArray) {              sleep 15        }     }  }}{code} While the sleep is running, put Jenkins in shutdown.  Then cancel shutdown.  The job will trigger the timeout, eventually say it's killing with extreme prejudice and need to be hard aborted otherwise it will be stuck forever.This mainly manifests as a problem when doing maintenance/restarts where some jobs might properly resume but end up stuck for other reasons and never cleanup. When I forcibly terminate at the text prompt it's still stuck inside "withEnv" I've also tested this by removing the "withEnv" and just using "timestamps"  and the same problem occurs. As well as doing it without "timestamps" at each interval the nested section it's stuck in is inner one. So this seems to be a problem with the timeout handler.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-04-17 Thread mstew...@riotgames.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Maxfield Stewart edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Here's my minimal repro for this: {code:java}node ('somelabel) {  timeout (30) {     timetstamps {        withEnv(someEnvArray) {              sleep 15        }     }  }}{code} While the sleep is running, put Jenkins in shutdown.  Then cancel shutdown.  The job will trigger the timeout, eventually say it's killing with extreme prejudice and need to be hard aborted otherwise it will be stuck forever.This mainly manifests as a problem when doing maintenance/restarts where some jobs might properly resume but end up stuck for other reasons and never cleanup.  When I forcibly terminate at the text prompt it's still stuck inside "withEnv"  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-04-17 Thread mstew...@riotgames.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Maxfield Stewart edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Here's my minimal repro for this: ```    {code:java} node ('somelabel)  \ {    timeout (30)  \ {       timetstamps  \ {          withEnv(someEnvArray)  \ {                sleep 15          }       }    } }  {code } ```   While the sleep is running, put Jenkins in shutdown.  Then cancel shutdown.  The job will trigger the timeout, eventually say it's killing with extreme prejudice and need to be hard aborted otherwise it will be stuck forever.This mainly manifests as a problem when doing maintenance/restarts where some jobs might properly resume but end up stuck for other reasons and never cleanup.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-04-17 Thread mstew...@riotgames.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Maxfield Stewart commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Here's my minimal repro for this: ``` node ('somelabel) {   timeout (30) {      timetstamps {         withEnv(someEnvArray) {               sleep 15         }      }   } } ``` While the sleep is running, put Jenkins in shutdown.  Then cancel shutdown.  The job will trigger the timeout, eventually say it's killing with extreme prejudice and need to be hard aborted otherwise it will be stuck forever. This mainly manifests as a problem when doing maintenance/restarts where some jobs might properly resume but end up stuck for other reasons and never cleanup.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-03-13 Thread zach.w...@gtri.gatech.edu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Zach Welz edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 I am also having this issue.Jenkins Version: WinSW is simplified reproduction of issue; _program.exe_ runs indefinitely.{code:java}stage('Run'){   node{  dir("${project_home}"){ try{timeout(time: 5, unit: 'SECONDS'){   bat "program.exe" }  } catch(hudson.AbortException err){echo Do something }  }   }}{code} Resulting error (simplified){code:java}[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (Run)[Pipeline] node[Pipeline] {[Pipeline]  echo[Pipeline]  dir[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] timeout[Pipeline] {[Pipeline]  echo[Pipeline]  bat[C:/project_home] Running batch scriptC:\project_home>program.exe  Cancelling nested steps due to timeoutSending interrupt signal to processAfter 10s process did not stop[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // timeout[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // dir[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // node[Pipeline] }[Pipeline] // stage[Pipeline] End of PipelineTimeout has been exceededFinished: ABORTED{code}Not sure if this is an error on my part or the same issue as above.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-03-13 Thread zach.w...@gtri.gatech.edu (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Zach Welz commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 I am also having this issue. Jenkins Version: WinSW Below is simplified reproduction of issue; program.exe runs indefinitely. 


timeout(time: 5, unit: 'SECONDS'){
   bat "program.exe"
 } catch(hudson.AbortException err){
echo Do something

  Resulting error (simplified) 


[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Run)
[Pipeline] node
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] dir
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] timeout
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] echo
[Pipeline] bat
[C:/project_home] Running batch script

Cancelling nested steps due to timeout
Sending interrupt signal to process
After 10s process did not stop
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // timeout
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // dir
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Timeout has been exceeded
Finished: ABORTED

 Not sure if this is an error on my part or the same issue as above.   



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2018-02-23 Thread andrew.ba...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Andrew Bayer updated an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40839  
  pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


Change By: 
 Andrew Bayer  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-03-08 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jesse Glick edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 [~laurent_panpan] see JENKINS-36235  or JENKINS-38380 .  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-03-08 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jesse Glick commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Laurent PANPAN see JENKINS-36235.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-03-08 Thread laurent.panhell...@biomerieux.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Laurent PANPAN edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Sometimes the timeout expired but the job don't stop. We have to stop it manually.[Jenkins ver. 2.49|https://jenkins.io/] Pipeline plugin ver 2.4 About 6 hours before the issue: * Installation of a plugin about amazon tools wihout restart * Reload configuration from disk * Restart of Jenkins service on the server (Linux)The job was aborted about ten hours after timeout expirationExtract of the pipeline script{code:java}stage 'Promotion'def mustDeploy = truetry {    timeout(time:1, unit:'HOURS') {    input(id: 'userInput', message: 'Deploy?')    }} catch(err) {    // timeout reached or input false    echo 'Time out reached or user aborted'    mustDeploy = false}{code}Console output:{code:java}[Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] stage (Promotion) Using the ‘stage’ step without a block argument is deprecated Entering stage Promotion Proceeding [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 1 h 0 mn [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] input Deploy? Proceed or Abort Cancelling nested steps due to timeout Body did not finish within grace period; terminating with extreme prejudice Aborted by johndoe Click here to forcibly terminate running steps Terminating timeout Click here to forcibly kill entire build Hard kill! Finished: ABORTED{code}  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-03-08 Thread laurent.panhell...@biomerieux.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Laurent PANPAN edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Sometimes the timeout expired but the job don't stop. We have to stop it manually.[Jenkins ver. 2.49|https://jenkins.io/]About 6 hours before the issue: * Installation of a plugin about amazon tools wihout restart * Reload configuration from disk * Restart of Jenkins service on the server (Linux)The job was  aborting  aborted  about ten hours after timeout expirationExtract of the pipeline script{code:java}stage 'Promotion'def mustDeploy = truetry {    timeout(time:1, unit:'HOURS') {    input(id: 'userInput', message: 'Deploy?')    }} catch(err) {    // timeout reached or input false    echo 'Time out reached or user aborted'    mustDeploy = false}{code}Console output:{code:java}[Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] stage (Promotion) Using the ‘stage’ step without a block argument is deprecated Entering stage Promotion Proceeding [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 1 h 0 mn [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] input Deploy? Proceed or Abort Cancelling nested steps due to timeout Body did not finish within grace period; terminating with extreme prejudice Aborted by johndoe Click here to forcibly terminate running steps Terminating timeout Click here to forcibly kill entire build Hard kill! Finished: ABORTED{code}  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-03-08 Thread laurent.panhell...@biomerieux.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Laurent PANPAN edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Sometimes the timeout expired but the job don't stop. We have to stop it manually.[Jenkins ver. 2.49|https://jenkins.io/]About 6 hours before the issue: * Installation of a plugin about amazon tools wihout restart * Reload configuration from disk * Restart of Jenkins service on the server (Linux)The job was aborting about ten hours after timeout expirationExtract of the pipeline script{code:java}stage 'Promotion'def mustDeploy = truetry {    timeout(time:1, unit:'HOURS') {    input(id: 'userInput', message: 'Deploy?')    }} catch(err) {    // timeout reached or input false    echo 'Time out reached or user aborted'    mustDeploy = false}{code}Console output: {code:java} [Pipeline] // node[Pipeline] stage (Promotion)Using the ‘stage’ step without a block argument is deprecatedEntering stage PromotionProceeding[Pipeline] timeoutTimeout set to expire in 1 h 0 mn[Pipeline]  \ {[Pipeline] inputDeploy?Proceed or AbortCancelling nested steps due to timeoutBody did not finish within grace period; terminating with extreme prejudiceAborted by johndoeClick here to forcibly terminate running stepsTerminating timeoutClick here to forcibly kill entire buildHard kill!Finished: ABORTED {code}  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-03-08 Thread laurent.panhell...@biomerieux.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Laurent PANPAN commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Sometimes the timeout expired but the job don't stop. We have to stop it manually. Jenkins ver. 2.49 About 6 hours before the issue: 
Installation of a plugin about amazon tools wihout restart 
Reload configuration from disk 
Restart of Jenkins service on the server (Linux) 
 The job was aborting about ten hours after timeout expiration Extract of the pipeline script 


stage 'Promotion'
def mustDeploy = true
try {
    timeout(time:1, unit:'HOURS') {
    input(id: 'userInput', message: 'Deploy?')
} catch(err) {
    // timeout reached or input false
    echo 'Time out reached or user aborted'
    mustDeploy = false

 Console output: [Pipeline] // node [Pipeline] stage (Promotion) Using the ‘stage’ step without a block argument is deprecated Entering stage Promotion Proceeding [Pipeline] timeout Timeout set to expire in 1 h 0 mn [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] input Deploy? Proceed or Abort Cancelling nested steps due to timeout Body did not finish within grace period; terminating with extreme prejudice Aborted by johndoe Click here to forcibly terminate running steps Terminating timeout Click here to forcibly kill entire build Hard kill! Finished: ABORTED  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-02-16 Thread jgl...@cloudbees.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Jesse Glick commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 Need to have a minimal reproducible test case, and need to know precise plugin versions (Jenkins core version is barely relevant). Each such case reported may be a completely unrelated bug.  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-01-13 Thread sascha.schuenem...@googlemail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sascha Schuenemann edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 I might have encountered the same issue on Jenkins ver. 2.35In our case we have an outer timeout across a pipeline job using docker:  { quote code:java }  timeout(30) {node('foo') {def WORKSPACE = pwd()dir('src') {deleteDir()unstash 'source'}stage('Prepare Docker environment') {docker.image('bar').pull()def buildImg = docker.build(bar', "${WORKSPACE}/src")buildImg.inside {timeout(1) {stage('Start services') {sh "foo bar'"}sleep 3m}   }   }}}  { quote code }  We have hit the outer 30min timeout just after building the image but before starting the container.But jenkins failed to kill the build and hangs at:Successfully built 9b6a1a125fb8[Pipeline] dockerFingerprintFrom[Pipeline] sh[PF-PEP-gerrit_4] Running shell script+ docker inspect -f . bar.Cancelling nested steps due to timeoutBody did not finish within grace period; terminating with extreme prejudice  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-01-13 Thread sascha.schuenem...@googlemail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sascha Schuenemann edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 I might have encountered the same issue on Jenkins ver. 2.35In our case we have an outer timeout across a pipeline job using docker: {quote} timeout(30) {node('foo') {def WORKSPACE = pwd()dir('src') {deleteDir()unstash 'source'}stage('Prepare Docker environment') {docker.image('bar').pull()def buildImg = docker.build(bar', "${WORKSPACE}/src")buildImg.inside {timeout(1) {stage('Start services') {sh "foo bar'"}sleep 3m}   }   }}} {quote} We have hit the outer 30min timeout just after building the image but before starting the container.But jenkins failed to kill the build and hangs at:Successfully built 9b6a1a125fb8[Pipeline] dockerFingerprintFrom[Pipeline] sh[PF-PEP-gerrit_4] Running shell script+ docker inspect -f . bar.Cancelling nested steps due to timeoutBody did not finish within grace period; terminating with extreme prejudice  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-01-13 Thread sascha.schuenem...@googlemail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sascha Schuenemann edited a comment on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 I might have encountered the same issue on Jenkins ver. 2.35In our case we have an outer timeout across a pipeline job using docker: imeout timeout (30) {node('foo') {def WORKSPACE = pwd()dir('src') {deleteDir()unstash 'source'}stage('Prepare Docker environment') {docker.image('bar').pull()def buildImg = docker.build(bar', "${WORKSPACE}/src")buildImg.inside {timeout(1) {stage('Start services') {sh "foo bar'"}sleep 3m}   }   }}}We have hit the outer 30min timeout just after building the image but before starting the container.But jenkins failed to kill the build and hangs at:Successfully built 9b6a1a125fb8[Pipeline] dockerFingerprintFrom[Pipeline] sh[PF-PEP-gerrit_4] Running shell script+ docker inspect -f . bar.Cancelling nested steps due to timeoutBody did not finish within grace period; terminating with extreme prejudice  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-01-13 Thread sascha.schuenem...@googlemail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Sascha Schuenemann commented on  JENKINS-40839  



  Re: pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


 I might have encountered the same issue on Jenkins ver. 2.35 In our case we have an outer timeout across a pipeline job using docker: imeout(30) { node('foo') { def WORKSPACE = pwd()  dir('src')  { deleteDir() unstash 'source' }  stage('Prepare Docker environment') { docker.image('bar').pull() def buildImg = docker.build(bar', "$ {WORKSPACE} /src")  buildImg.inside { timeout(1) { stage('Start services')  { sh "foo bar'" }  sleep 3m } } } } } We have hit the outer 30min timeout just after building the image but before starting the container. But jenkins failed to kill the build and hangs at: Successfully built 9b6a1a125fb8 [Pipeline] dockerFingerprintFrom [Pipeline] sh [PF-PEP-gerrit_4] Running shell script + docker inspect -f . bar . Cancelling nested steps due to timeout Body did not finish within grace period; terminating with extreme prejudice  



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[JIRA] (JENKINS-40839) pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job

2017-01-05 Thread maur...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title



 Maurizio Carboni created an issue  



 Jenkins /  JENKINS-40839  
  pipeline timeout doesn't kill the job   


Issue Type: 
 2017/Jan/05 2:38 PM  
 Jenkins ver. 2.33  
 Maurizio Carboni  


 On this pipeline 

node {

timeout(time: 30, unit: 'SECONDS') {
environment = 'staging'
stage 'Retrieving repositories'
parallel getDBUri: {
// Obtain pipeline and DB_URI using a script in the pipeline
dir('pipelineRepo') {
git ...
pipeline = load 'pipeline.groovy'
sh 'pwd'
$class: 'StringBinding', 
credentialsId: 'herokuToken', 
variable: 'token'
]) {
env.PG_URI = pipeline.herokuVariable( 'novus-'+environment, 'DB_URI', env.token )
}, getScript: {
// Obtain script to execute and install dependencies
dir('scriptRepo') {
git ..
$class: 'StringBinding', 
credentialsId: 'NpmToken', 
variable: 'NPM_TOKEN'
]) {
sh 'echo "//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken='+env.NPM_TOKEN+'" > ~/.npmrc'
sh 'npm install --production && npm prune --production'