[JIRA] [script-security-plugin] (JENKINS-27725) Cannot use Date class when workflow script is sandboxed

2016-04-06 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented on JENKINS-27725

[JIRA] [script-security-plugin] (JENKINS-27725) Cannot use Date class when workflow script is sandboxed

2016-04-06 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker edited a comment on JENKINS-27725

[JIRA] [script-security-plugin] (JENKINS-27725) Cannot use Date class when workflow script is sandboxed

2016-04-06 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented on JENKINS-27725

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger-plugin] (JENKINS-28637) Unable to select stored credentials from the credential plug-in

2016-04-01 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented on JENKINS-28637

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger-plugin] (JENKINS-28637) Unable to select stored credentials from the credential plug-in

2016-04-01 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker edited a comment on JENKINS-28637

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger-plugin] (JENKINS-28637) Unable to select stored credentials from the credential plug-in

2016-04-01 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker edited a comment on JENKINS-28637

[JIRA] [credentials-plugin] (JENKINS-33944) User-scoped credentials cannot be looked up

2016-04-01 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented on JENKINS-33944

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger-plugin] (JENKINS-28637) Unable to select stored credentials from the credential plug-in

2016-04-01 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker edited a comment on JENKINS-28637

[JIRA] [parameterized-remote-trigger-plugin] (JENKINS-28637) Unable to select stored credentials from the credential plug-in

2016-04-01 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker edited a comment on JENKINS-28637

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when hosted via HTTPS and an underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when hosted via HTTPS and an underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when hosted via HTTPS and an underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when hosted via HTTPS and an underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when hosted via HTTPS and an underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when hosted via HTTPS and an underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker created an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when hosted via HTTPS and an underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when hosted via HTTPS and an underscore is present in the server's FQDN

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-12 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker edited a comment on JENKINS-34740

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-12 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker edited a comment on JENKINS-34740

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-12 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented on JENKINS-34740

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-12 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented on JENKINS-34740

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) All XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker edited a comment on JENKINS-34740

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) All XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Many XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented on JENKINS-34740

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) All XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented on JENKINS-34740

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) All XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) All XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) All XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) All XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Many XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Many XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Many XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Many XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) All XHR requests fail under certain conditions when an underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-13 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] [core] (JENKINS-34740) Cannot create new items after upgrade to 2.2 when underscore is present in the hostname suborigin

2016-05-11 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated an issue

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37479) Unclassified staticMethod java.nio.file.Paths get java.lang.String

2016-08-17 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37479) Unclassified staticMethod java.nio.file.Paths get java.lang.String

2016-08-17 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker updated

[JIRA] (JENKINS-37479) Unclassified staticMethod java.nio.file.Paths get java.lang.String

2016-08-17 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker created

[JIRA] (JENKINS-38424) Cannot configure Global Pipeline Libraries

2016-09-22 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-38048) Credentials dropdowns empty when configuring external libraries at the global level

2016-09-23 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-38048) Credentials dropdowns empty when configuring external libraries at the global level

2016-10-03 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented

[JIRA] (JENKINS-31455) Build instability with "ISVNAuthentication provider did not provide credentials"

2016-10-03 Thread roytin...@gmail.com (JIRA)
Title: Message Title Roy Tinker commented