I have an unsolved annoying issue regarding Jenkins pipelines and Docker 
Content Trust, I hope someone can give me a hand with it.

I'm using Harbor as private registry and I activated Content Trust on my 
laptop's Docker daemon. Whenever I push a new Image to the registry 
manually from the shell, the daemon signs the Image as expected using my 
local signing keys.

Then I followed the delegation process to allow Jenkins user to do the 
same. I created specific signing keys for it and added them to the registry 
from my laptop, so now Jenkins user is an allowed signer for specific 

If I create and push new images from the Jenkins OS user shell, everything 
goes as expected also, meaning that the images are signed and pushed to the 
registry with all the meta info needed.

The problem comes when I try to do the same from a Pipeline, for some 
strange reason, Docker is not able to find the signing keys, so the image 
is pushed but not signed. I tried in different ways, but always with the 
same result. "no valid signing keys for delegation roles"

Curious thing that I observed is that "docker trust inspect ..." works both 
ways (from shell and pipeline) and shows Jenkins user as an allowed signer, 
but "notary key list" only works from the pipeline if I add "--configFile 
~/.notary/config.json" parameter that in fact points to the default 
configuration path

Here a partial extract from the stage I'm using:

script {
'DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST_SERVER=https://harbor.example.com:4443']) {
"harbor_jenkins_credentials", usernameVariable: "HARBOR_USERNAME", 
passwordVariable: "HARBOR_PASSWORD")]) {
      sh "docker login --username=$HARBOR_USERNAME 
--password=$HARBOR_PASSWORD harbor.example.com"
'docker-content-trust-repository-passphrase', variable: 
 string(credentialsId: 'docker-content-trust-root-passphrase', variable: 
      sh """#!/bin/bash
        notary --configFile ~/.notary/config.json key list
        docker trust inspect --pretty harbor.example.com/services/test
        docker push harbor.example.com/services/test:${nextTag}
        docker push harbor.example.com/services/test:${commitHash}
        docker push harbor.example.com/services/test:latest

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