Jenkins is a Java application, and Java applications typically do not have a 
deterministic memory behaviour. You really cannot say anything with a single 
login/logout cycle. If you keep seeing the memory consumption increase after an 
extended period of time with many login/logout cycles, then you can start 
worrying about possible memory issues.
In addition, if you are concerned with ~ 2GB memory usage in Jenkins, then you 
are looking at the wrong product. But I doubt you will find anything more 
streamlined anyway. Most continuous integration systems are built on Java, or 
Python or similar, and these tend to all be hogs when it comes to memory 
consumption. In principle it does not have to be like that. But the reality is 
that most languages and systems encourage bloat nowadays.



From: <> on 
behalf of Yang, Bruce (NSB - CN/Hangzhou) <>
Sent: 13 November 2017 03:04:49
Cc: Yang, Bruce (NSB - CN/Hangzhou)
Subject: About the Memory Consumption Issue of Jenkins

Hi, Jenkins Engineer,
I am a new Jenkins user from the corporation of Nokia china. There is a 
question when I use the Jenkins software and don’t know how to solve it. I also 
find the answer via searching web, reading the manual, etc. so I hope you can 
give me some helps if it is convenient to you.

Question description:

Ø  I have already complete the installation of Jenkins in the red hat Linux 
operating system(refer to this link: Installing Jenkins on Red Hat 
 and then start the Jenkins service. I execute the top command to find the 
memory consumption of this service, you can find the memory consumption is 
2.2%, the result like the screenshot as below:


Ø  Sencond step, I logon the jenkins server in the web, the result as below 
screenshot shown:


and then the service increase the memory consumption to 6.2%, the result as 
below screenshot shown:


Ø  Third step, I log out the jenkins service, but the consumption of this 
service does not demote yet. The result as below screenshot shown:


So we can get a conclusion:

u  logging on jenkins, the memory consumption increase;

u  logging out jenkins, the memory consumption equal to logging on jenkins and 
does not demote yet.

In my opinion or guess, when we logging out jenkins service, the memory 
consumption should demote, in fact it is not. I think it is a wasting to CPU 
memory when we do not use jenkins service yet. I am not sure whether I configre 
the jenkins service incorrect or I need more configuration, it’s confused to 
me. So I wish you can give a comments or correct configurations about this 
question. Thank you before!

Best Regards!
Bruce Yang
Prototyping SW Specialist
Office: Building B, No.68 Dongxin Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, China
Postcode: 310053
Mobile: +86-13738176232

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