Hey guys and gals,

I've been trying to use the Coverity plugin (1.2.3) along with the MSBuild 
plugin (1.16) on Jenkins 1.505. The job also has a pre-build step to run 
some Windows batch commands. I set up ClearCase to be on my blacklist for 
cov-build, but no matter what I try, cov-build is always called with my 
Windows batch commands as follows:

[Builds] $ C:\Coverity\CIC\static-analysis\bin\cov-build --dir 
C:\CoverityAnalyzeDir cmd /c call C:\Temp\hudson56334.bat

The Windows batch commands succeed, but Coverity still warns me about no 
files being emitted which is merely an annoyance. The real problem comes 
from when the MSBuild step is called. I've got my SLN file defined with 
environment variables like %BUILD_DIRECTORY%\Project.sln. When the build 
step comes around it fails as follows:

[JENKINS_COVERITY_TEST] $ C:\Coverity\CIC\static-analysis\bin\cov-build 
--dir C:\CoverityAnalyzeDir cmd.exe /C 
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe /t:Clean;Build 
/nologo /p:Configuration=Release %BUILD_DIRECTORY%\Project.sln && EXIT 
The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.

This leaves me with two questions:

- Is there anyway to blacklist the Windows batch files created by Jenkins 
so they won't be called with cov-build?

- Has anyone successfully used the MSBuild plugin with the Coverity plugin?

Also, I was able to successfully run Coverity as Windows batch commands 
inside of a job, but I want to use the Coverity post-build task so I don't 
have to leave my password in the open for everyone to see.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.


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