I've created a BUG now: https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-35227

Am Montag, 2. Mai 2016 16:11:51 UTC+2 schrieb Lars Meynberg:
> We have setup a multi-branch project with a Jenkinsfile. The detection is 
> working fine but we're using external links for some stuff and everytime 
> when the projects start it fails with an authentication error:
> org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException 
> <http://stacktrace.jenkins-ci.org/search?query=org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCancelException>:
>  svn: E200015: authentication cancelled
> In the single pipeline script it works because we have setup 
> ignoreExternals like this:
>  checkout scm: [$class: "SubversionSCM", locations: [[remote: '*****',
>                     clean: true, local: '.', ignoreExternalsOption: 
> false]]]
> but as the Jenkinsfile has only checkout sum I'm not able to add this 
> setup to it. Or needs this to be setup in the config of the multi-branch 
> project? But there is only the option for the remote url and nothing else.
> So I'm grateful for any tipps to solve the authentication problems (All 
> found issue we're solved by bugfixes in the past and seems not related) or 
> to add the ignoreExternalsOption to the multi-branch project.
> Kind regards Lars

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