Jenkins automatic push on external repository after pipeline complete

2018-05-02 Thread Francesco Sisca
Hello everyone. I have a question for you.

At the moment, I and my team works on a staging repository. Every project 
have a Jenkins Job with declarative Pipeline. Our target is:

When pipeline complete correctly all steps, it can push on production 
repository all code?

i'm try with a simple step (on example repository):

this is Jenkinsfile on Staging repository (testSubTree it's staging name).

pipeline {
agent any

stages {
stage('push on master prod'){
sh 'git push prod'


[centos@cula03up TestAutocommitJenkins]$ sudo git remote -v
origin  /HO_staging/testSubTree.git (fetch)
origin  /HO_staging/testSubTree.git (push)
prod/HO_production/testSubTree.git (fetch)
prod/HO_production/testSubTree.git (push)

but doesn't work... and I don't get any errors, simply my production 
repository isn't update

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Re: Using Gradle in Pipeline

2018-04-13 Thread Francesco Sisca

check configuration of gradle in your global configuration tools (into 
jenkins manage) 

this is my pipeline:

pipeline {

agent any
tools {
gradle "gradle"


Il giorno venerdì 13 aprile 2018 08:02:43 UTC+2, Sverre Moe ha scritto:
> We are currently using Maven for building our applications. 
> Our Jenkins maven pipeline are using the withMaven step from Pipeline 
> Maven Integration.
> I have written gradle build scripts for our projects and begun to write 
> the Pipeline build script to build gradle.
> We could really use an Pipeline Gradle Integration plugin and an 
> withGradle step.
> In the absence of such a plugin I am left with
> tool name: 'gradle-4.6', type: 'gradle'
> sh "gradle build"
> I think I have to put some verbosity to gradle. The Jenkins console output 
> did not provide any insight while gradle was running the JUnit tests.
> :processResources
> :classes
> :jar
> :javadoc
> :javadocJar
> :sourcesJar
> :assemble
> :startMockServer
> :processTestResources
> :testClasses
> :test
> :stopMockServer
> :check
> :build
> After :test there was no output for about 2 minutes. Not until task test was 
> finished.
> Not knowing if the build has halted, a test taking to long, or some other 
> problem.
> Would be great to have something like the dynamic output from running gradle
> <=> 75% EXECUTING [15s]
> > :test > 100 tests completed
> > :test > Executing test
> Running Gradle with --console=rich gives me this output, but it is a mess.
> :test [m [0K [7D [1B [2A [1m< [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% 
> EXECUTING [9s] [m [34D [1B [1m> :test [m [7D [1B [2A [1m< [0;32;1m= 
> [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [9s] [m [34D [1B [1m> :test > 0 tests completed 
> [m [27D [1B [2A [1m< [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [9s] [m 
> [34D [1B [1m> :test > 0 tests completed [m [27D [1B [2A [1m< 
> [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [9s] [m [34D [1B [1m> :test > 
> 0 tests completed [m [27D [1B [2A [1m< [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% 
> EXECUTING [9s] [m [34D [1B [1m> :test > 0 tests completed [m [27D [1B [2A 
> [1m< [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [9s] [m [34D [1B [1m> 
> :test > 0 tests 
> ...
> ...
> > 330 tests completed [m [29D [1B [1m> :test > Executing test 
> [m [0K [68D [1B [3A [1m< 
> [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [1m 29s] [m [38D [1B [1m> 
> :test > 412 tests completed [m [29D [1B [1m> :test > Executing test 
> [m [76D [1B [3A [1m< 
> [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [1m 29s] [m [38D [1B [1m> 
> :test > 507 tests completed [m [29D [1B [1m> :test > Executing test 
> [m [0K [68D [1B [3A [1m< 
> [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [1m 29s] [m [38D [1B [1m> 
> :test > 661 tests completed [m [29D [1B> IDLE [0K [6D [1B [3A [1m< 
> [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [1m 29s] [m [38D [1B [1m> 
> :test > 661 tests completed [m [29D [2B [3A [1m< [0;32;1m= 
> [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [1m 29s] [m [38D [1B [1m> :test > 661 tests 
> completed [m [29D [2B [3A [1m< [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% 
> EXECUTING [1m 30s] [m [38D [1B [1m> :test > 661 tests completed [m [29D [2B 
> [3A [1m< [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% EXECUTING [1m 30s] [m [38D [1B 
> [1m> :test [m [0K [7D [2B [3A [1m< [0;32;1m= [0;39;1m> 75% 
> EXECUTING [1m 30s] [m [38D [1B [1m> :test [m [7D [2B [3A [0K
> [0K
> [32;1mBUILD SUCCESSFUL [0;39m in 1m 32s
> 11 actionable tasks: 11 executed
> Are anyone using gradle in their Jenkins pipeline?

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Publish on HockeyApp application with declarative pipeline - How integrate Android tools

2018-04-06 Thread Francesco Sisca
Hello everyone, i have a trouble.

i need, after build, to publish my application on Hockeyapp. I'm trying to 
do this, but get an error. this is my pipeline

pipeline {
agent any
tools {
gradle "gradle"

stages {
stage('Check Env Works'){
steps {
nodejs(nodeJSInstallationName: 'nodejs') {
sh 'env'
sh 'npm -v'
sh 'gulp -v'
sh 'cordova -v'
sh 'java -version'
sh 'node -v'
sh 'tslint -v'
sh 'ionic info'
sh 'gradle -v'

stage('Download dependency from Nexus'){
steps {
nodejs(nodeJSInstallationName: 'nodejs') {
sh 'npm config get registry'
sh 'npm whoami'
sh 'npm i'
stage('Build APK file'){
steps {
nodejs(nodeJSInstallationName: 'nodejs') {
sh 'ionic cordova build android'
stage('Upload APK to HockeyApp'){
steps {
sh 'curl \
  -F "status=2" \
  -F "notify=1" \
  -F "notes=Some new features and fixed bugs." \
  -F "notes_type=0" \
  -F "apk=@hockeyapp.apk" \
  -H "X-HockeyAppToken: XX" \'

post {
 always { 
 mail bcc: '', body: "Example\nProject: 
${env.JOB_NAME} Build Number: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}  URL de build: 
${env.BUILD_URL}", cc: '', charset: 'UTF-8', from: '', mimeType: 
'text/html', replyTo: '', subject: "Always CI: Project name -> 
${env.JOB_NAME}", to: "x";  
 success {  
 mail bcc: '', body: "Example\nProject: 
${env.JOB_NAME} Build Number: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}  URL de build: 
${env.BUILD_URL}", cc: '', charset: 'UTF-8', from: '', mimeType: 
'text/html', replyTo: '', subject: "Success CI: Project name -> 
${env.JOB_NAME}", to: "x";  
 failure {  
 mail bcc: '', body: "Example\nProject: 
${env.JOB_NAME} Build Number: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}  URL de build: 
${env.BUILD_URL}", cc: '', charset: 'UTF-8', from: '', mimeType: 
'text/html', replyTo: '', subject: "Failur CI: Project name -> 
${env.JOB_NAME}", to: "x";  
 unstable {  
 mail bcc: '', body: "Example\nProject: 
${env.JOB_NAME} Build Number: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}  URL de build: 
${env.BUILD_URL}", cc: '', charset: 'UTF-8', from: '', mimeType: 
'text/html', replyTo: '', subject: "Unstable CI: Project name -> 
${env.JOB_NAME}", to: "x";  
 changed { 
 mail bcc: '', body: "Example\nProject: 
${env.JOB_NAME} Build Number: ${env.BUILD_NUMBER}  URL de build: 
${env.BUILD_URL}", cc: '', charset: 'UTF-8', from: '', mimeType: 
'text/html', replyTo: '', subject: "Changed CI: Project name -> 
${env.JOB_NAME}", to: "x";  

but when i ran this, i get this error

(node:1183) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection 
(rejection id: 1): Error: 
Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
line: 68

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':CordovaLib'.
> No installed build tools found. Install the Android build tools version 
19.1.0 or higher.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or 
--debug option to get more log output.

* Get more help at


how i solve this? Here the complete log

Started by user admin
Obtained Jenkinsfile from git 
Running in Durability level: MAX_SURVIVABILITY
[Pipeline] node
Running on Jenkins in 
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Declarative: Checkout SCM)
[Pipeline] checkout
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url 
https://l/mobilehub-reference-application.git # timeout=10
Fetching upstream changes from 
 > git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials 
 > git fetch --tags --progress 
 > git rev-parse 

Re: Ionic command doesn't works for jenkins job

2018-01-08 Thread Francesco Sisca
ok thanks for the advice

Il giorno lunedì 8 gennaio 2018 20:11:57 UTC+1, Victor Martinez ha scritto:
> It looks like this is not an issue within Jenkins itself but the agent 
> configuration. I'm afraid you need to install all the specific requirements 
> in the agent and I'm not sure if those env variables refers to the same 
> machine or two different ones.
> Therefore, whoever owns that particular agent might help you to set it up 
> accordingly, just in case they use any kind of configuration management 
> tool. In case you need to bypass the above, you can append to the PATH env 
> variable with the path to that particular ionic binary before running any 
> shell stuff
> Something like :
> My two cents

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Re: Ionic command doesn't works for jenkins job

2018-01-08 Thread Francesco Sisca

Thanks for the answer!

this is  ENV PATH for the owner (masdev).

Mac-mini-di-masdev:mobilehub-reference-application masdev$ echo $PATH


while ENV PATH on the jenkins user (Jenkins) is this  

how i fix this?

Il giorno lunedì 8 gennaio 2018 17:36:51 UTC+1, Victor Martinez ha scritto:
> It sounds a kind of environmental issue with the PATH env variable. You 
> can confirm how that particular PATH env variable looks like in your local 
> and also within Jenkins, then you can set it accordingly,.
> Cheers

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Ionic command doesn't works for jenkins job

2018-01-08 Thread Francesco Sisca
Hello everyone, i'm in trouble about some jenkins stuff.

I have a hybrid application, and i need to setup automatic build for that. 
i follow those steps to build the app.

npm i
ionic cordova platform add android --no-interactive
ionic cordova build android --prod --no-interactive

and that's works fine. But when i put this commands into a file, 
and put this file into Jenkins "shell command", when i run "build" into 
jenkins, i get an error "ionic: command not found".

I'm working on MacOS, and Jenkins have a separate User. Of Course, from 
CLI, all works fine.

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Build and publish hybrid application mobile

2017-12-20 Thread Francesco Sisca
Hello everyone. For my company i build a hybrid app (angular2 and ionic2) 
and deploy it both Android and iOS. Actually i do it manually with this 

ionic cordova platform add ios
ionic cordova platform add android
ionic cordova build ios --prod
ionic cordova build android --prod

and after this I sign the ios application with xcode to create ipa and 
publish it. Now, i can automatize this with jenkins? How?

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