I am a new Jenkins Pipeline user.
I want to use Jenkins pipeline to run my regression tests.
For simplification, I want to run 2 tests on same node (agent) in parallel.

My pipeline script has a stage that looks like:

   stage ('runParallel') {
      node ('regrNode') {
         def testsuites = ['smokeTestONE', 'smokeTestTWO']

         def runTSClosure = { testsuite ->
            sh "echo RUNNING $testsuite testsuite"
         echo "DEBUG... testsuites: " + testsuites
         def parallelBuilders = parallelTestsBuilder5(testsuites, 

         echo "DEBUG... parallelBuilders " + parallelBuilders
         parallel parallelBuilders
I have a parallelTestsBuilder5 in my Global Shared Library, defined as 
def call(tsArr, Closure body) {

   def tsArray = tsArr

   def builders = [:]
   tsArray.each {
      def test = it
      builders[test] = {
   return builders
When I ran my pipeline, I got:
[Pipeline] echo
DEBUG... testsuites: [smokeTestONE, smokeTestTWO]
[Pipeline] echo
DEBUG... parallelBuilders 
[Pipeline] parallel
[Pipeline] [smokeTestONE] { (Branch: smokeTestONE)
[Pipeline] [smokeTestTWO] { (Branch: smokeTestTWO)
[Pipeline] [smokeTestONE] sh
[smokeTestONE] [runRegressionParallel3.1] Running shell script
[smokeTestONE] + echo RUNNING smokeTestTWO testsuite
[smokeTestONE] RUNNING smokeTestTWO testsuite
[Pipeline] [smokeTestTWO] sh
[smokeTestTWO] [runRegressionParallel3.1] Running shell script
[Pipeline] }
[smokeTestTWO] + echo RUNNING smokeTestTWO testsuite
[smokeTestTWO] RUNNING smokeTestTWO testsuite

Why am I getting the following?
[smokeTestONE] + echo RUNNING smokeTestTWO testsuite
[smokeTestONE] RUNNING smokeTestTWO testsuite

=> I am expecting:
[smokeTestONE] + echo RUNNING smokeTestONE testsuite
[smokeTestONE] RUNNING smokeTestONE testsuite

Let me know what I did wrong.

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