Well, updated the link on AI systems today to include a bit about Turing, Gödel and Church.  Some will find it interesting; some won't.  If you do happen to read it and find a mistake, please let me know and I'll correct it.  Oh, yes - one other thing - I also put the links for the Performance for various engines.  Jess will follow sometime in August when I get the kinks out of my systems.  Thanks,


"Large organizations exist primarily for the benefit of the large corporation.  Whether it be the government (at any level) or a religious organization, such as a church or philanthropic organization.  They exist NOT for the benefit of the customer, the personnel who work there nor for the public - even though a mantra to that effect that might be in their organizational statement.  Depend on it; when push comes to shove, the little guy loses out.  Every time."

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