From:  Bayo Afolaranmi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Dear Beloved,

For the next seven to eight weeks, I would be sharing a serial expository study of the 
seven great "I AM" sayings of Jesus Christ in the book of St. John with you. I have 
done the study about five years ago.

I AM WHO AM (Part 1)
(Exodus 3:13-15; John 8:58)

Today's study introduces the seven great "I AM" sayings of Jesus Christ in the book of 
St. John. These sayings and discourses center on the person and deity of Jesus Christ 
and affirm beyond doubt, the undeniable truth: the deity of Jesus Christ.
How do these sayings originate? It is contained in the answer God gave Moses when he 
seemed to be dodging God's call on Mt. Horeb (Exodus 3). First, he said that he was 
not worthy of the call (verse 11). When God assured him of His support (verse 12), he 
gave the second excuse. He asked: "Suppose I go to the Israelites and say to them, 
'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, 'What is his name?' 
Then what shall I tell them?" (verse 13). 

What is in a name? Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare asked this classic 
question. In Africa, names often describe the character and the circumstance (s) of 
one's birth and lineage. The western world also has preference and values to names. 
The name of a person/thing in the Bible always reveals the circumstance (s) of the 
person/thing bearing that name, or the beliefs of his/her parents. For examples, 
Joshua means Jehovah is salvation; Isaiah and Jesus mean Jehovah saves; Nabal means a 
fool (1 Samuel 25:25) and Barnabas means son of encouragement (Acts 4:36). So Moses 
did not go too far in asking for the name of the God that spoke to him. After all, God 
had not revealed His name to anybody before.

God answered Moses' question by telling him, "I AM WHO I AM," or simply, "I AM" (verse 
14). This is a word play on the Hebrew word for Yahweh. It has connection with the 
verbs "to be" and "to exist". Thus God was speaking of Himself as the Self-existent 
Being. This name expresses two of God's characters - the dependable and faithful God. 
He desires the full trust of His people (cf. verses. 12, 15). 

Jesus Christ applied this name to Himself eight times in the Gospel of St. John. One 
of such instances is explained here. This instance (8: 58) was started with another 
instance (in verse 12), which brought about a heated dialogue between Jesus and the 
Pharisees. The dialogue deals with the testimony of Jesus Christ (verses 12-30), the 
father of the Jews (Abraham or the devil) (verses 31-47), and Jesus' claim about 
Himself (verses 48-59). The Jews questioned Him about His claim that, "Abraham 
rejoiced at the thought of seeing my [Jesus] day…" (verse 56). In response, Jesus 
declared, "…before Abraham was born, I AM!" (verse 58). Grammatically, this sentence 
is wrong, but theologically, it is right. By this, Jesus claimed His pre-existence and 
His equality with God that spoke with Moses (cf. Philippians 2: 6). The Jews 
understood Him and wanted to stone Him for such claim.

Today, the fact still confronts us. Who is Jesus Christ? He is the  "I AM WHO I AM," 
the Self-existent and pre-existent God who deserves our worship not our "stoning." Do 
you believe this? Are you worshiping Him as God?
>From next week, we will discuss these sayings one after the other. Till then.
In His service,
Dear Beloved,
I AM WHO I AM (Part 2)
(John 6:25-40)

Why this "I AM" saying? Jesus Christ had fed over 5000 people with a boy's lunch (John 
6:1-13). As if it was the sign the people had been waiting for. They wanted to 
forcefully make Him king (verses 14-15).  Therefore they were searching for Him. Jesus 
Christ's reaction brought about this "I am" saying.

Were they searching for Jesus to give up their lives to Him on the second day of 
feeding of over 5000 people or did they have hidden motive? They were searching for 
Him until "they found Him on the other side of the lake" (verse 25, NIV). Today, some 
people are trooping into worship centers, but who and what are they looking for?

The people were looking for Jesus Christ because of the miracle only (verse 26). What 
about the ultimate miracle of salvation? There was no spiritual motivation. They 
lacked spiritual perception. Why do many people today worship God? Is it not because 
of the material and financial things that they will get from Him?  Jesus Christ then 
advised that this ought not to be so.  The reason is that physical food and material 
blessings are not everything. They are short-lived and temporal. Nevertheless 
spiritual food and blessing lead to eternal life.  By saying, "Do not work for food 
that spoils," Jesus Christ was not encouraging laziness.  He was pointing out that man 
is created to a relationship with God before material blessing. He was emphasizing the 
Scriptures that says "… man does not live on bread alone…" (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 
4:4; Luke 4:4, NIV).

Hearing this advice, the people mistook the requirement for right standing with God 
with piety, rather than genuine faith in Jesus Christ.  Paul sums this up in Romans 
10: 2-4: "For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal 
is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness that comes from 
God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness. 
Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who 
believes" (NIV).
Today people often think that they can earn eternal life. They often forget that 
salvation is a gift by grace, and not by work (cf Ephesians 2: 5, 8-10). Titus 3:5 
states, "[Jesus Christ] saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but 
because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the 
Holy Spirit" (NIV).

What is the work of God? Jesus Christ gave the only condition of the work of God - 
just believe in Him, then you serve. This is emphasized in Ephesians 2:8-10, "For it 
is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is 
the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's 
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance 
for us to do" (NIV). God loves you not on the basis of what you do but on the basis of 
who He is.

The people were miracle-conscious. After the miraculous feeding of more than 5000 
people, they could not believe, unless Jesus prove whom He is with more miraculous 
signs. No wonder, Paul accused them of demanding for miraculous signs in 1 
Corinthians1:22. They were like the modern-day people that will say, "seeing is 
believing."  However, for God, the reversed is the case - "If you believe, you will 
see the glory of God" (John 11:40, NIV; cf 2 Corinthians.5:7). They were expecting 
Jesus Christ to do something like what God did in feeding the Israelites with manna, 
but they have forgotten that many people saw and even ate the miraculous manna and yet 
did not believe.  Many would see miracles today and still not believe in God.
Nevertheless, in three ways, Jesus Christ corrected their ideas and explained the 
spiritual implications of the manna: a) God, not Moses, gave the manna (verse 32a); b) 
God is still giving 'manna' today (i.e. the spiritual manna); and c) the true bread 
from heaven is Jesus Christ, not manna (verse 33).

As the Samaritan woman in John chapter 4 needed living water, the people asked for the 
"true bread" (verse 34). They have not recognized Jesus Christ as the bread from 
heaven. Jesus Christ therefore declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me 
will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty" (verse 35). By 
this declaration, Jesus Christ corrected two more errors in the people's thinking: 
a) The food He was speaking of refers to a Person, not a commodity. Bread was the 
essential food in the time of Jesus Christ. "Bread of Life" means bread (i.e. Jesus 
Christ) that provides life. 
b) Anyone who has right relationship with Jesus Christ will have everlasting 
satisfaction.  Jesus Christ emphasized this in verses 37-40 & 10:27-29. The believers 
will have eternal life with Jesus Christ. They will be eternally secured.
In their human reasoning, the people could not believe such declaration. Firstly, they 
know the man Jesus and even His kinsman. Secondly, how could they eat His flesh? This 
became a sharp argument among them. Many people today could not believe Jesus Christ 
because of their wrong and inadequate conception about Him, and even their familiarity 
with Him. However, Jesus Christ still explained the reality of this declaration about 
Himself (verses 43-51, 53-58), but the people could not believe Him because of their 
lack of spiritual perception. This made many people including some of His disciples to 
discontinue following Him (verses 60, 66).

How is your spiritual appetite after righteousness? The Bread that provides eternal 
life is Jesus Christ.  You do not have to "work" for the Bread.  Faith in Him as the 
Giver of this bread is the only prerequisite, and you will be satisfied forever. Do 
you believe this? Do not be too familiar with it! Let your familiarity with Jesus 
results in deep intimacy with Him.
In His service,
Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor).

Remember to send your comments and remarks on this expository study to me at [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] God bless you!!!

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