I have the same probleme with the "content" directory. I thought that
was a WebApplication, ready to run, with a lot of extension possibilities,
so it
must exists a very simple installation procedure, to obtain the default

Thanks for the help.

Thomas Michael Schwarz wrote:

> Hallo,
> I want to use Jetspeed together with Tomcat with Netscape 4.7 under
> Windows. But iīm to stupid to install Jetspeed correctly!
> I wondered if  someone has written a step by step instruction how to
> install it:
> These are my problems:
> **   Move the "content" directory to "/content" under your web server.
> If you already have a "content" directory simply add the files there.
> Well, i canīt find a content directory in Tomcat !
> **   Add ./bin/Jetspeed.jar to your classpath. This contains all classes
> from Jetspeed. You will also need to add required libraries to your
> classpath. Everything  you need should be under ./lib.
> I set classpath in the Autoexec.bat to
> Drive\..\Jetspeed-1.1\bin\Jetspeed.jar.  But what about the libraries ?
> **  Configure your Servlet init parameters. Add the property
> "properties" to point to Jetspeed to the file
> c/config/TurbineResources.properties" that ships with the Jetspeed
> distribution. This can be done by setting an init parameter in your
> Servlet Engine (under Jakarta this is defined in WEB-INF/web.xml). You
> should give the Servlet an alias to something like "jetspeed".
> Configure which File, where do i find it, what do i have to enter ?
> **  Within TurbineResources.properties change the line
> "jetspeed.properties" to point to the "JetspeedResources.properties"
> file that comes with Jetspeed.
> Where are TurbineResources.properties ?
> **   Configure your installation. You should evaluate
> TurbineResources.properties and JetspeedResources.properies to make sure
> they match your configuation. There are comments in both of these files
> which should make configuration fairly easy. Note that Turbine supports
> user authentication. Jetspeed supports this but it is currently optional
> and up to you to setup.
> Configure which Files, where do i find it, what do i have to enter ?
> Yours Thomas Schwarz
> P.S: Many thanks
> --
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