Hello All ...

Just thought I would point out that there is a chunk of source code missing
in the "jetspeed-1.3a2-release-src.zip".  I tried compiling the entire
Jetspeed tree (I included all jars found under the "libs" directory) and
received errors regarding missing classes ... most of which from what I
could tell are in the "org.apache.jetspeed.xml.api.*" package.  I noticed
that the package class files are in the  "jetspeed-1.3a2-release.jar", but
the source code is no where to be found ... is this for some reason by
design ... if so, can someone point me to where I can get a "snapshot" of
the source code for these missing classes at the time this distribution was
put together (Dec 10, 2001) ... can this be done from CVS ... or can someone
append these classes to the zipped source code download for this


- Frank

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