... Alternatively, instead of defining a new file format, is it possible
for a Java agent to set up layers with the reflective API before the
application starts?

In either case, the build tool could generate the layers file/agent.


Ron Pressler
@puniverseco <https://twitter.com/puniverseco> on Twitter

On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 8:41 PM, Ron Pressler <r...@paralleluniverse.co>

> Just finished reading the new Jigsaw information. Great job!
> I do have a question regarding version conflicts (as I'm sure do many
> others). The document says Jigsaw leaves the version-selection problem to
> the build too, which fine. But to resolve transitive dependency version
> conflicts -- a --> b, c; b --> d@1; c --> d@2 -- the current solution is
> shading/shadowing (as d@1 and d@2 can be completely different from one
> another).
> It seems like layers could provide a better solution, but as I understand,
> there is no way to statically describe a multi-layer configuration (I know
> I'm overloading the Jigsaw term "configuration" here) and pass it on to
> java at the command line -- only dynamically with reflection. Is that
> correct?
> If so, could it be possible to add another command line option as an
> alternative to -modulepath, that can take a file with a static description
> of layer configurations?
> Ron

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