Title: WSDL file trouble with WebService Test

Hi All,

 I am a newbie and have recently downloaded the latest version of Jmeter, September 7th, 2004

 I am looking to do a test on an example Web service, however when I enter in the address on the wsdl file and click load, I get a "WSDL not valid" message returned.

 I have tried with the WSDL http://www.nanonull.com/TimeService/TimeService.asmx?WSDL as used by some users on the list and this WSDL worked fine so I am think that there is something wrong with the WSDL file attached below:


The URL I enter for the wsdl is:  http://zmdhsa84:8888/HSS-ProvisioningManager-context-root/com.nortelnetworks.hss.hpi.pm.ProvisioningManager/ProvisioningManager.wsdl

Could someone please get back to me with a possible fix for this? Is it the WSDL file or is it the URL ???

Keith Woodlock.

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