Hi Jeff

I've done a little testing.
It seems that the problem is in the "move" commands, that cannot be 
interrupted. I found about "set waitForMoveTo" and "moveTo stop", so this 
seems to work:

Edit you spt files to change the move commands to equivalent moveTo 

// move 0 0 0 80 0 -10 0 0 2.0
moveTo 2.0 {588 -641 -493 123.42} 170 0 -10;

//move 0 0 0 -80 0 10 0 0 2.0
moveTo 2.0 {588 -641 -493 123.42} 90 0 0;

(parameters obtained using "show moveto" in the console after manually 
entering the original move)

Edit the button code to add the stopping commands, like this:
 Jmol.script(jmolview1, '!exit; set waitForMoveTo false; moveTo stop; load 
s_dipep.pdb; script animation2.spt;');

You probably need to reset to "set waitForMoveTo true" somewhere, at the 
beginning of the scripts I think, so your moves within a script are displayed 
sequentially as you want.

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