A man was walking down the beach watching the tides roll in. He's walking
along and comes across a genie bottle.

He rubs the lamp and a genie pops out. "I'll give you two wishes for freeing
me" the genie informs him. "What's your first wish?" Genie asks.

"Well, I've always wanted to go to Hawaii but I'm afraid to fly. Can you
build a bridge from California to Hawaii?" the man asks.

The Genie thinks about this for a few moments and then tells the guy "Well,
It will take a lot of materials, a lot of time and a lot of planning. It's
almost impossible. Tell me what your second wish would be."

The guy thinks for a few minutes and then says "Well, I've always wondered
how women think and what makes them the way they are?"

The genie looks at the guy and asks "How many lanes you want that bridge?"

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