> >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Aug  1 23:37:31 2001
> Hello fellow cynics
> As you probably know America recently conducted a Star Wars test where
> it
> "successfully" shot down a target missile.  
> After two previous failures there was a lot of political pressure for a
> succesful test, and sure enough the last one worked.  When I heard that
> I
> thought to myself "I bet they rigged it".
> Well, they did.  The target missile was carrying a GPS unit transmitting
> it's location to the interceptor missile.  I'm here - shoot me!  
> There's a Salon story here:
>   http://www.salon.com/news/col/cona/2001/07/31/test/
> and further links here:
>    http://slashdot.org/articles/01/07/31/2352230.shtml
> Star Wars - I fell safer already...
> A

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