Knut Erik Teigen wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first patch for Jokosher, and actually the first time I've 
> contributed code to an open source project. I'm a guitar player, and 
> have been looking for a decent, lightweight recording app, and I'm very 
> pleased with Jokosher so far. Since my day gig is coding, I thought I 
> might as well try to give something back to the project as well.
> Anyways, hope you agree with what I've done. It was mostly just to 
> familiarize myself with the codebase and the tools you use.
> First, I've fixed bug #87850, changed tooltip "Edit this mixdown step 
> settings" to "Edit settings for this mixdown step".
> Second, I've added a textview box with the description in it for the 
> ExtensionManagerDialog. I found that nearly all the descriptions didn't 
> fit in the treeView, so I think it is better this way. Now even longer 
> descriptions are also possible.
> That's all for now, but expect to hear more from me:)
> Regards,
> Knut Erik Teigen

I realize it is two months later, but I finally got a chance to look at 
this patch. It is a good idea and something that needed to be done, but 
I don't like the way it is implemented. Having an extra viewport around 
the treeview puts a border around everything and sometimes makes a 
scrollbar visible, both of which are ugly.

Also I'm not sure the textview widget is the best idea, even though this
the GTK widget that is most obvious for this job. Because the text is 
not editable, I would suggest using a multi-line GTK label. You can see 
an example of this in my API search dialog in the Extension Console 
extension. When you click on the name of the function, the documentation 
comes up in a GTK label on the bottom of the treeview. Of course this 
wasn't implemented when you originally submitted this patch.

I'm sorry that I didn't respond earlier, but if you make the changes and 
resubmit the patch, I'll accept it. Also you are very close to getting 
the 3 patches needed for you to get an SVN account.

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