Hello Lukas!

First of all, congratulations (and thanks!) for your great work on JOOQ.

One thing that would be a killer feature for many of the projects I have 
been working on would be the ability to automatically retrieve/fetch and 
nest/embed foreign entities (which have 1-N, N-1 or N-N relationships) in 
Records and POJOs, similarly to what PostgREST does with Postgres 
(http://postgrest.com/api/reading/#embedding-foreign-entities) when it 
returns JSON data for queries.

E.g.: table "sessions" references table "speakers", and a SessionsRecord 
for an existing Sessions row would be able to fetch SpeakersRecords for 
every referenced Speakers row.  Better yet, it could return a whole POJO 
graph after a single method/fetch invocation.

In order to see a working and somewhat equivalent example, just access the 
following URL in your web browser


and then compare the returned JSON to the one from this other URL


In fact, we are evaluating the use of PostgREST as a substitute for ORMs 
and even JOOQ in some use cases mainly because of this feature.

Thanks for your support!


On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 9:16:44 AM UTC-3, Lukas Eder wrote:
> Dear group,
> Part of jOOQ's success is its incredible amount of convenience methods 
> that help reduce the boiler plate code at your side. We do this with 
> massive overloading of API, for instance, when you work with fetch(), you 
> may have noticed how many different types of fetch() there are in jOOQ.
> Just now, I have added yet another convenience method. A Converter 
> constructor:
> https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/issues/5398
> It looks like this:
>     static <T, U> Converter<T, U> of(
>         Class<T> fromType,
>         Class<U> toType,
>         Function<? super T, ? extends U> from,
>         Function<? super U, ? extends T> to
>     ) { ... }
> And also:
>     static <T, U> Converter<T, U> ofNullable(
>         Class<T> fromType,
>         Class<U> toType,
>         Function<? super T, ? extends U> from,
>         Function<? super U, ? extends T> to
>     ) {
>         return of(
>             fromType,
>             toType,
>             t -> t == null ? null : from.apply(t),
>             u -> u == null ? null : to.apply(u)
>         );
>     }
> The above allows for creating simple ad-hoc, one-liner converters, such as:
>     Converter<String, Integer> converter =
>     Converter.ofNullable(String.class, Integer.class, Integer::parseInt, 
> Object::toString);
> What's your biggest "itch" in the jOOQ API, which jOOQ could "scratch", or 
> rather, make go away by adding new convenience API?
> All ideas welcome!
> Lukas

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