i am confused about how to set the default with the checkbox preset.
i have tried both default="true" and default="yes" with no effect; what is the correct value to set to get a default of yes set in the resulting tags, and can
we get that clarified in the josm documentation?

my combobox preset defaults are working as advertised.

i'm using the current stable version of josm.

here is a snippet from the dialog in question; these are some tags i'm
proposing as an extension for firehydrant tagging. i would like in_service
to default to yes.

   <item name="hydrant">
      <label name="hydrant" />
    <key key="emergency" value="fire_hydrant" />
<combo key="fire_hydrant:type" text="Type" values="pillar,dry,wall,underground" default="pillar" />
        <combo key="fire_hydrant:class" text="Class" values="AA,A,B,C" />
        <text key="fire_hydrant:flow_capacity" text="Capacity" />
        <check key="in_service" text="In Service" />
<combo key="colour" text="Color" values="blue,green,red,yellow" default="red" /> <combo key="colour:top" text="Top Color" values="red,green,yellow,blue,grey" /> <combo key="colour:cap" text="Cap Color" values="red,green,yellow,blue,grey" />


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