When I start JOSM I get a few warnings about missing plugins:
2020-07-04 10:04:03.485 WARNING: Missing plugin main version in plugin annotation-tester 2020-07-04 10:04:03.496 WARNING: Missing plugin main version in plugin nearclick 2020-07-04 10:04:03.499 WARNING: Missing plugin main version in plugin osmarender 2020-07-04 10:04:03.500 WARNING: Missing plugin main version in plugin plastic_laf

When I go to the plugins in the configuraton, only annotation-tester shows up, but it is unchecked and it says "annotation-tester: Version unknown (local: unknown)". The other three are not even in the list (I did download the list and I am viewing all plugins).
How can I clean this up so the messages disappear?


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