Am 15.10.2020 um 15:31 schrieb
> Hello,
> Am 11.10.2020 um 18:09 schrieb Holger Mappt via josm-dev:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a JOSM icon style guide? What elements should be used to depict
>> different actions? E.g. I want to express move, that would be crossed
>> arrows like in the move map mode icon, right? Arrows in all directions
>> is zoom in/out or full screen. Do colors have a meaning?
> There is not such a written guide about elements/colors. But some things are obvious, like green color of download/upload arrows or the red nodes in the Tools menu. (The core icons have evolved over the years so they are not consistent in all cases/details either.)
>> What are
>> recommended page sizes for map mode icons and menu icons?
> For map view icons 16px, for gui icons usually 24px (which is the size in the toolbar).
>> Are there recommended icon sets that can be used as reference and that
>> have the right license to copy items?
> A lot of core gui icons are based on tango ( and gnome ( icon sets. The most core icons are GPL or PD licensed so they should easily be used in a plugin. More information about icons licenses see the icons section in
> More useful information about icons in JOSM see
> Best Regards
> Stefan

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