Hi.  My Internet connection is very unreliable lately.  The leaves
have come back on the trees and they're now tall enough to seriously
interfere with my wifi connection.  That hasn't stopped me from
wanting to edit OSM, of course.  Unfortunately, JOSM's behavior in the
face of an unreliable connection HAS made me want to stop editing.
Cancel doesn't work if you're at the step where it says "Downloading
OSM data... 1KB".  And if you've made edits?  They're lost.

I'd file a bug, but see the subject of this email.  This email will
eventually get sent, but interactive use is frustrating at best.

I think a workaround is to constantly save before hitting the 'net,
but it's a workaround, not a fix.

--my blog is at    http://blog.russnelson.com
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