There have been some concerns that using QuadBuckets makes data set
iterations too slow.  First of all, I hope that QuadBuckets will vastly
reduce the number of full iterations over the data set that are
*required* and replace them with coordinate-based searches.  But, the
concern is valid.

I've done some performance analysis of QuadBuckets outside of JOSM in a
little microbenchmark I just wrote.  I've varied the bucket size, and
run some searches.  Here are the results: 

You can see that the search times have a nice stable optimal area when
the buckets are between about 40 and 400 objects in size.  The iteration
times behave as expected and improve pretty linearly as bucket sizes

With a 256-member bucket, QuadBuckets are about 2.5x as slow as an
ArrayList or LinkedList, but still retain virtually all of the search

        QuadBuckets<Node> iteration: 970 runs in 2001 ms, avg time: 2.0628867 ms
        ArrayList<Node> iteration: 2803 runs in 2001 ms, avg time: 0.713878 ms
        LinkedList<Node> iteration: 2370 runs in 2001 ms, avg time: 0.8443038 ms
        Storage<Node> iteration: 954 runs in 2001 ms, avg time: 2.0974844 ms

Note that this is a little microbenchmark, so the real JOSM results are
likely to be even less noticeable.  So, I'd like to change the default
bucket size to 128 or 256.

I also tried implementing a new QuadBucket iterator.  This one keeps a
linked-list of all of the QuadBucket nodes so that each jump to a new
tree node is always just a single pointer dereference.  That appears as
"qb-new-iterate" in the graph.  It's never much better than the existing

I got the josm-ng Storage code from here:

-- Dave

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