Ok, so I really should get a move onto getting this working properly and
I worked on this back in August and haven't got my head back into the
source properly but here are some points:

Since the MOZ_FORCE_PAINT_AFTER_ONLOAD method to produce a PPM does not
work on Firefox on OS X I used a Firefox plugin to save a png of the
'canvas' to a file.
This is done by a hacked down version of the 'screengrab' plugin. STDOUT
debug messages are still used to communicate back the filename of the
temporary file.

I don't know much about XUL and Firefox plugins so I am unsure how to
get this to run automatically onLoad - also there is a lot of the
'screengrab' code that isn't needed for this single purpose plugin.

Plugin can be found here:

This is read by YWMS plugin in josm, at the moment the code is *very* 
badly hacked to load in the png instead of the ppm.

Patch (in no usable state) at :

Anyway - I thought I'd post this slightly different method since I saw 
someone was working on a YWMS for another editor.

I hope to work on the josm plugin code at the weekend and will submit it 
  once it is in a nice state.


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