
this year our server sponsor Hetzner was again so kind to supply a more powerful server for our always increasing needs. Thanks a lot to them for the powerful and stable hardware and the sponsoring.

We will move the server somewhen in the next 2 weeks, probably this weekend. Outage time may be 1 or 2 hours.

I'll try to announce it when final move is coming.

To give you an indication what the server does currently, here some stats. Compare them to same mail from last year in February :-)

Somes Google stats from December:
HTTPS clicks:            8.719
HTTPS impressions:       181.268
HTTP clicks:             591
HTTP impressions:        31.554
Links to the webpage:    3.175.115 (1.203.477 not from openstreetmap.de)

Server-Monitoring (AWStats) Dezember 2015:
Visitors:                70.313
Visits:                  191.347
Pages:                   2.792.029
Accesses:                4.422.137
Transmitted bytes:       287.77 GB

We get about 2600 submissions to the Trac webinterface each day, 99% of these are SPAM. Usually SPAM slips through very seldom and is deleted extremely fast.

All the numbers increased a bit and we now do mainly HTTPS instead of HTTP. I hope the new server will help with the resource requirements of jenkins and sonar which make the current one a bit slow ATM.

http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)

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