On Wed, 22 Mar 2017, Giacomo Servadei wrote:

I'm an Italian student from Politecnico di Milano. I'm currently in the
process of making the proposal for polyglot's project idea of further
developing the pt_assistant plugin.
One part of the proposal is to implement a specialized version of the
editor with ad hoc functionalities for editing route relations (for example
reporting the validation results on that route or helping filling the gaps
by finding ways ecc).
In the code I saw that the relation editor we are all used to see is just
the generic one which will be showed if nothing more specific for that type
of relation has been registered. So the idea of a specialized relation
editor is already contemplated in JOSM. The point is that I did not find
any real example of such a specialized version of the dialog, at least in
the core.
Is there a plugin that does this and that I can take a look at? If not, are
there some best practice that should be followed and which I should be
aware of?

Does turn-restriction plugin provide a special relation editor? That's the only one I could think of. The idea to provide specialized relation editors was never fully implemented. Also the presets contain information about layout of relations and their members which is not used as much as it could. Much to improve :-)

If you will implement something in this area, create JOSM bug reports containing patches when core adaptions are needed. As you may know JOSM's plugin interface is always work in progress.

http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)

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