I joined the mailing list because I'm hoping it's the correct way of trying
to find a solution to a 'one off' error.

josm supplies imagery for several types of Strava heatmaps. Strava updated
the maps on 1st November, and on 2nd Novermber the links withing josm where
updated. But the change has an error in.

I think this is the page that describes how the change was made


But change appears incorrect because the link for the Cycling Heatmap uses
the word "bike" but the Strava now has changed and uses the word "ride"
The result is that when you use try to use the Cycling Heatmap within josm
using the incorrect link, Stava defaults and supplies the "All" heatmap,
which is the heatmap for Cycling, Running, Skying, etc.

Was able to fix this within josm by editing the link, but not sure how to
advise a change is needed on the official josm website.


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