hello everyone,

i am a recent member of joynet and its wonderful fellowshiping this way especially 
from a place like jamshedpur where we do not have prayer groups and many mass centers.

I seek prayers for my family. My mom escaped a serious accident last december, Praise 
God for that. Healing of her fracture, is one intention. My dad needs to undego a 
hernia operation and his sugar level is really high. Please pray for his health too. I 
have an elder sister who has just concieved and is on complete bed rest , so she is 
back at our place for rest. we need a domestic help , so please also pray for  a 
servant for us.

well thats not all. i've been away from jamshedpur for my studies say for the past six 
and half years. now i have returned with a burden for this city , to share Jesus here. 
i need all your prayer support coz the harvest is plenty here but as usual no 
labourers! Also ordinary Christians here are into occult practices here . Please join 
Jesus n me as we clear this mess here.

Banking on your prayers and God bless,

Joyfully serving Him,



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