Dear Joynetters,
        May you ever remain blessed. This write up is  aimed
at making  a clear elaboration on the questionnaire I
sent to you on the above subject, as some of our
brothers demanded. Actually, the  central focus  of
the forthcoming  publication of which I requested to
have your personal views is not on end  time. The
word "end-time" is used here to describe the period in
which  we are and the classification of the expected 
revival in our time. The focus is on global revival.
Many people have their different views concerning the
end-time and these views often results in controversy.
However, my approach to it is from general scriptural
and Christian perspective. 
        In his letter to the exiles of dispersion  in Pontus,
Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bittynia, St Peter said;
The end of all things is at hand, therefore keep 
sane and sober unto prayers (Pet.4:7). The Catechism 
of the Catholic Church further explained: Since the 
ascension, Gods plan has entered into its fulfiment.
We are already at the last hour Already  the final
stage of the world is with us, and the renewal of the
world is irrevocably under way, it is even now
anticipated in a certain real way, for the church on
earth is  endowed  already with a sanctity that is
real but imperfect. Christs Kingdom already manifests
its presence through  the miraculous signs that attend
its proclamation by the church  (C.C.C No. 670)
        While St. Peter tells us that  the end of all things
is near, the church draws our attention  to the fact
that we are in the "last hour". To make this clearer,
St. Peter added But by the same word the heavens and
earth that now exist have been stored up for time
being  kept until the day of judgement  and
destruction of ungodly  men (11 Pet. 3:7)
        However, St. Peter did not hesitate to clarify
himself thus:  But do not ignore this fact, beloved
that with the Lord one day is as a thousand  years and
a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow
His promise as some  understand slowness, but is
towards you, not wishing that any should perish, but
that all should reach repentance. But the day of the
Lord will come like a thief and then the heavens will
pass away with  a loud  noise and the elements will be
dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that
are upon it will be burned (11 Pet. 3:8-10)
        In summary, we could see that the end  of all things
which is also referred to as the last hour is at hand
but the date and time of actual end is unknown  to
man. We could also see that  God is being patient to
see if all may reach repentance,. This  therefore
means that the end-time does not just refer to the end
day but to the periods that preceed the end day. And
we can also see that the period in which we are is
referred  to as the end-time or the  last hour as
Catechism  puts it. But as to when and how the actual
end will be we do not know.
        Since it is not Gods will that any one should perish
but that all should come to repentance, the end-time
global revival is all about what God is doing at these
last hours of grace through his people  on earth in
order to save the whole church from decay and the
entire human race from destruction. It also refers to
the actions of the Holy Spirit in convincing  the 
world on the truth of sin, righteousness and
        Contributors should therefore not border themselves
with how the end will look like and when it will be
but should write based on their view of what God is
doing in and through the universal church  to restore
His people to Himself. 
What actually is your view on
what God is doing in these latter days especially in
What are the obstacles to this global
 Are you a part of it? What is your personal
commitment to this global  revival?
 How do you intend
to make Christ know to your generation?
        A paragraph or two is enough (at most a page) .
        May the Holy spirit inspire you to make a
contribution that will help people in other parts of
the world  to wake  up from slumber.

Jude S.C. Asogwa

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