Dear Friends,

Praise the Lord!!

“Believe and you will see the glory of God!!” This was the message we got on Friday 
(26th evening). We believed and we have seen the glory of our good Lord!!

As I said, we had three different programmes going on in Ahmedabad till yesterday 
evening.  All of us were deeply grieved by the fact that we could not attend JY 2001. 
Only a few leaders could come for the JY 01 from Ahmedabad. But we now feel that Lord 
had some other purpose for us. As I said earlier, we have organized a Christeen 
retreat and we were totally involved in two other retreats for common people. All the 
three programmes went on really well and especially the Christeen programme.

We have got a lot of promising messages when we prayed on Friday evening and we could 
see Satan’s fortress falling down on Saturday. All the people were really touched.  
Four JYs from Bombay (Dominic, Thomas, Saji and Tijo) were helping us for this 

I at this moment give our heartfelt thanks to all of you and would request you to pray 
for Gujarat specially. We have many renewal programmes coming up from November 14th 
(Diwali holidays) i.e. three Gujarati retreats and one English Growth retreat for 
youth and many other programmes for elders. Please pray specially for a new awakening 
in Gujarat.

Love, Sibi

Sibi Joseph
Ahmedabad, India
Tel: 079 685 7974

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