Hello Friends,

A new service team and core team is selected for JOYnet
during the National JY leaders' gathering at Bangalore.

Here is the new Service team for JOYnet.
  1.. Fr. Thomas Tharayil  -  Pastor
  2.. Fr.  Thomas Mathew  -  Pastor
  3.. Edward Edezhathu  -  Animator
  4.. Manoj Sunny  -  Animator
  5.. Chackochan Njavallil  -  Animator & Kerala Rep.
  6.. Manoj Jons David - Web team Representative
  7.. Jacob Jose  -  Web team Representative
  8.. Giju George  -  List Admin &  Madras Representative
  9.. Joby Michael -  Madras Rep. & Prayernet rep.
  10.. Mathew Joseph  -  JOYnet Co-ordinator
  11.. Biju Kottaram  -  Bangalore rep.
  12.. Varghese T.D.  -  Bangalore rep. &  Prayernet rep.
  13.. Frederic Fernandes -  Prayer net rep.
  14.. Berly Earnest -  Kerala Rep & KYCT  Rep.
  15.. Priya Joy  -  Cochin Rep.
  16.. Shimmy Charles  -  Trivandrum Rep.
  17.. Sibi Joseph  -  Ahmedabad Rep.
  18.. Thomas Kutty -  Ahmedabad Rep.
  19.. Biju T.C  - Delhi  Rep.
  20.. Dr. Sindhu - USA Rep. & Prayer net rep.
  21.. Lisa Jose -  USA Rep.
  22.. Luke - USA
  23.. Sony Kadookunnel - USA
  24.. Patrick Dooley - Canada.
  25.. Joseph Lonth - UAE Rep.
  26.. Sebastian Kakkassery -  Kuwait Rep.
  27.. Alfred Samji - UAE
  28.. Smiju Joseph - UAE
  29.. Mahesh Peter - UAE - UAE Rep
  30.. Suresh Kumar -  Srilanka
  31.. Jose Joseph (achayan) -  Saudi Arabia rep.
  32.. Welchy Fernandes - Bombay  & welcome team
  33.. Joji Joseph -  Pune Rep & welcome team.
  34.. Biju Davis - Canada Rep.
  35.. Cuckoo Susan James - Cochin
  36.. C.C Joseph - Trichy  - JYNT Co-ordinator
Here is the list of the new Core team for the JOYnet.
  1.. Edward Edezhathu - Animator
  2.. Manoj Sunny - Animator
  3.. Manoj Jons
  4.. Mathew Joseph
  5.. Giju George
  6.. Varghese T.D.
  7.. Suresh Kumar
  8.. Thomas Kutty.
The size of the team is made big considering the fact that JOYnet is spread
over the world.   Please pray for the members of the new team.
The roles and responsibilities of the JOYnet service team is also charted
I will send it in my next mail.

Mathew Joseph

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