Greetings to all members of Joynet- the Jesus Youth
family. I am glad to become a part of this Christian
Family. Within the few days of my enrollment I have
received spiritually uplifting  mails. While we keep
rejoicing for having celebrated the birthday of Our
Lord Jesus, we have to bring into focus as well  year
2003 which is just few hours away from now. 

A new year can mean so many things to so many people,
but for the children  of God, it must have a common
meaning. Everyday gives us opportunity of inheriting 
our God- given inheritance, it also brings us closer
to the second coming  of Christ. The 365 days of each
year is also to the believer a time of fulfilling his
mission of existence and of glorifying the Lord
through our thought, words and action. Therefore these
365 days in your 2003 should not take us far from God,
instead they should bring us to a closer relationship
with our God. So, as we prepare to enter this new
year, we should all with boldness make our requests
from God and enquire  of Him of His will for us.
Everyone of us should be able to set aside at least
ten minutes for meditation and cross examination of
our relationship with God. Everyone should be able to
ask himself the following questions:
1.      What are the blessings from the Lord upon me in
year 2002?
2.      How can I appreciate and praise the Lord?
3.      What were my weaknesses in year 2002?
4.      How can I overcome them in year 2003?
5.      What is that sinful habit I need to drop in year
6.      What do I need from the Lord in year 2003?
7.      What does God want me to do for him in the year

May God help us to see our failures in order to become
 perfect, recognize our weaknesses  in order to be
strong,  understand His faithfulness in order to trust
Him, and to serve him better by loving and serving one

Yours in Jesus family.

Jude S.C. Asogwa
Nigeria (West – Africa)
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