God answered all the prayers of Samson in the Land of
Philistines. He pray  that God might strengthen him
once more so that with a single blow he  would avenge
one the Philistines for his eyes. God did it! But
(Judges 16:30). As a result, Samson died with his
enemies, for the building collapsed on them all. Dont

you think that if Samson had not wished to die with
the philistines that he would have survived? I think
so. However, something prompted those words of Samson.
The following are what I feel contributed to that.

Firstly, Samson had lost his eyes. I have heard people
today who say that they prefer to die than to become
blind. May be Samson had the  same kind of thought.
However, no matter how we may have been shattered by
our enemy through circumstance, we should never think
that there is no way out. I have encountered people
who were about commiting suicide for making one
terrible mistake or the other. Instead of helping the
issue it will result in eternal regret for we have no
right to take our lives. Although you may have lost
your focus  in life, do not pray to die in that state.
Your marriage may have be shattered but  the world has
not ended.

Secondly, Samson never saw the possibility of his
escape to Israel  since he could no longer see.
Humanly speaking he was right to pray thus but in any
matter that involves God, there is nothing like
impossibility. With God all things are possible  (MK
10:27). I believe  that if Samson had prayed for Gods
deliverance, he would have got it. When you are in
such situation, do not look at the circumstances or on
your weakness for where mans ability stops that is
where Gods miracle  begins. Trials  can come our way,
there could be seemingly insurmountable mountain
before us but God can deliver us.

Thirdly,  Samson might have also suffered from
self-condemnation. Actually, God gave him a lot of
opportunities  to escape but he did not utilize them.
He might have felt so guilty that he no longer wished
to live. Many of us too suffer from feelings of guilt
for falling into one temptation or the other. Some of
us wish we were dead and cannot boldly talk in the
public. Why do you think so? God can still forgive
you! He calls you to come and settle the matter with
Him no matter how dark is your sins (Is.1:18). And if
God has forgiven you who can still condemn  you? No
one, not even the devil has right to do so. So when
the devil brings you to justice, plead Gods  mercy.



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