Hello Friends,

Now I cant sit silent about Jevelson. You know, Jevelson was in Baroda before he left 
for US and he had been very active right from the beginning of Jesus Youth activities 
in Baroda. He is a man of tremendous zeal and is still a great support for the JY 
activities here in many ways.  We are so proud to hear about him.

Sibi (Ahmedabad)

--------- Forwarded Message ---------

DATE: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 13:18:03
From: "Manoj Sunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "joynet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello ,

We also had the privilege of attending Jevelson's marriage.
I went with Mathew Joseph (our joynet co.) and we also had the same
experience. He was so thrilled to see us and we wished him on behalf of the
400 joynetters. Yes, Mathew and I looked at each other with pride when
Jevelson started his reply speech mentioning the precious name of Jesus ! We
are planning a small gathering before he leaves if time permits..
God Bless Jevelson and Sangeetha !

Love, Manoj

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