2ND  MARCH  2003




     Chad   was born  in   Northumbria,  probably  620s.While still   a  boy  he  
became  a  student  of  ST.Adian  at  the  celtic  monastery  on   Lindisfarne  and  
later  went  as  a  monk  to  Ireland,  where  he  was  priested   ,  for  further  

    His  brother  Chedd  , when  he  was  made  bishop  of   London,  requested   Chad 
 to  return  to  England     to  take  the  charge  of  abbey at  Lastingham.Not  long 
 after    Chad  became  abbot ,  saint  Wilfrid  was  chosen   bishop  of   York.  
Wilfrid  went  to   Gaul  for  consecration,  and  stayed  so  long  that  King  Oswin 
 declared   the  see  vacant  and  procured  the  election  of   Chad  as  bishop  of  
York.Chad  felt   unworthy,  but  threw  himself  into  new  vocation,  travelling  
his  diocese  on  foot  ,  evangelising   where  he  could  and  he  devote  himself  
to  the  ecclesiastical  truth  , purity  of  doctrine and  to  give  attention  to  
the  practice  of  virtue.

    When  st  .Theodore,  a  new  arch bishop  of  canterbury  arrived  in  Englan,  
he  charged  Chad  with  being  improperly  ordained bishop.The  saint  humbly  
replied  " if  u  consider  i  have  not  been  properly  consecrated  ,i  willingly  
resign  this  office,for  i  have  never  thought  myself  worthy  of  it,but  though  
unworthy,  in  obedience   submitted  to undertake  it"  St.Theodore  astonoshed  at  
this  humility  and  holiness,he  completed  Chad`s  consecration according  to  Roma  
rites.  and  appointed  him  bishop  of  Mercians  in  Lichfield in  669.

 Though  he  ruled  over  the  Mercians  only  two  &  a  half  years,  his  virtues  
left  a  deep  impress  on  the  people.at  his  death  he  had 31  churches  
dedicated  to  his  name.

  He  founded  monasteries  , evangelised,  travelled  and  preached,  reformed  
monsatic  life  in  his  see, and  built  a  cathedral .Miraculous   cures  reported   
 at  the  wells  he  caused  to  be  dug  for  travellers.

    Legand  says  that  on  one  occasion  two  of  the   king`s  sons  were  hunting, 
 were  led  by  their  qarry  to  the  oratory  of  Saint  Chad   were  they  found  
him  praying. They  were  so impressed  by  the  site  of  the  frail  man  upon  his  
knees.,  his  face  glowing   with  rapture,  that  they  knelt  asked  for  blessing  
and  converted.The  pagan  king  Wulfthere   was  so  angry and  hunted  down Saint  
Chad.But  as  he  approached   the  bishop`s  cell,  a  great  light  shone through 
its single  window,  and  the  king  was  almost  blinded  by  its  brightness,  he  
abundoned  the  plan  of  revenge.

St.Chad  died  on  2nd  March  672,  as  he  foretold  7  days  before.


                     During  storms,  Chad  would  go  to  chapel  and  pray  
continually.He  explained,  **God  thunders  forth  from  heaven  to  rouse  people  
to  fear  the  Lord,  to  call  them  to  remember  future  judgement.....when  God  
will  come  in  the  clouds  in  great power &  majesty  to  judge  the  living  &  
the  dead.And  so  we  ought  to  respond  to  God`s  heavenly  warning    with  due  
fear  & love  so  that  as  often  as God  disturbs  the  sky  ,  yet  spares  us  
still,  we  should  implore  His  mercy,  examining  the  inner  most  recesses  of  
our  hearts  and  purging  out  the  dregs  of  our  sins,  and  behave  with  such  
caution  that  we  may  never  deserve   to  be  struck  down..**

we   adore    Thee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world....!!!!!

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