On the 25th of each month, Our Lady appears
to the Medjugorje visionary Marija to give us her
message to the world. Below is the latest official
English translation as provided by the Information
Center in Medjugorje

Message of March 25, 2004 :

    "Dear children! Also today, I call you to open
yourselves to prayer. Especially now, in this time of
grace, open your hearts, little children, and express
your love to the Crucified. Only in this way, will you
discover peace, and prayer will begin to flow from
your heart into the world. Be an example, little
children, and an incentive for the good. I am close to
you and I love you all. Thank you for having responded
to my call." 03/2004

`Make me an altar of your Cross.A  Chalice for your Blood,O` Christ!`
**O Jesus !!  Mary !  i love you, save souls .***

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