[jQuery] Re: Function won't fire on load...

2010-01-14 Thread JT
before you can look for any elements, I moved the if statement below and wrapped it in the ready function. This seems to work for me, it hides an image inside div class=project id=testimg //div. Good luck, JT On Jan 14, 12:38 am, knal knalp...@gmail.com wrote: Hi there, I have a function/plugin

[jQuery] Re: Dynamic img not getting events

2009-10-31 Thread JT
To bind events, such as 'click', to elements that are added to the page dynamically, as with AJAX, you can use a plugin like livequery. You can read some more here http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/livequery and get the plugin.

[jQuery] Re: Using JQuery with WordPress

2009-10-30 Thread JT
You can place the code in the header.php file within the head section, but after the jquery.js file. However, if you only need this code on one page, you could just place it in that page within script tags. As long as you are using $(document).ready(function(), it doesn't matter where it is placed

[jQuery] question about identifying what should be updated in an an ajax post

2009-07-11 Thread jt
I have only used jQuery for fairly simple things and am a little stumped on how best to achieve the following. I have a list of items (similar to the three items at the bottom) and I want a user to be able to assign it as a favorite. I just copied the .post part from the docs with the id in html

[jQuery] Re: Drop Down Menu (sub-sections)

2009-04-22 Thread JT
Superfish plugin might work for you. http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/

[jQuery] Re: Jquery not validation not working on dynamic content.

2009-04-22 Thread JT
I had a similar problem when working heavily with Ajax and forms. Initially, I was using the livequery plugin but because of performance issues, I went with livequery. I'm not positive my example will work with live. Here's a quick example of one of three approaches that worked for me.

[jQuery] Re: Append asterisk to required field labels

2009-04-01 Thread JT
Example using CSS. YOUR HTML label class=requiredFirst Namelabel YOUR CSS label.required:after { content: ' *'; } RESULT: First Name * OR label.required:before { content: '* '; } RESULT: * First Name

[jQuery] question about getJSON and surrounding JavaScript comments in JSON

2009-03-25 Thread jt
characters and getJSON works fine but the feed is this way. thanks for any help. jt

[jQuery] Re: Need example of dynamic validation

2009-03-15 Thread JT
Here's an example from a site I worked on. I'll explain the code first. This site has a form with required fields for First Name, Last Name and Email by default. If one clicks on the Send a hard copy check box, the form expands, revealing the address fields. These are now required. The rules for

[jQuery] Re: A loading image in the centre of the screen

2009-03-10 Thread JT
You can also pass the image in the message $.blockUI({ message: 'img src=loading.gif /' }); $(document).ready(function() { $.unblockUI; }); If you only want the image to show without any borders, you can modify BlockUI's default options. http://malsup.com/jquery/block/#options

[jQuery] question about loading javascript into an element after dom is ready

2008-10-18 Thread jt
I'd like to load a js file into a specific location but it replaces the page with what is being written out. I suspect there's a fairly obvious answer (maybe it can't be done). Here's a basic version of the code and I would like it to write 'here i am' in the dom after div id='jt'/div. Currently

[jQuery] json rpc module

2008-08-30 Thread jt
Is anybody using this module able to provide sample code? It's not clear to me where you pass your json call in the parameters to the call to $.rpc. thanks, j

[jQuery] newbie question about assigning a varialbe for use in a selector statement

2008-07-12 Thread jt
').bind('click',function(e){ //alert(e.target.id); var $val=e.target.id; $(div:contains($val)).show(); //didn't work //$('.add_image_content' + e.target.id).show(); //$(e.target.id).show(); }); }); thanks for any help, jt

[jQuery] using jquery $(document).ready() and dojo.addOnLoad together

2008-06-07 Thread jt
I'm working on a project that is using both of these together and we are running into some problems. I'm inheriting the dojo code. It looks like our jquery code is getting called first in terms of the page being ready. The problem we have is that the jquery is handling ad server loading so if

[jQuery] Load details content in new tr table row from within a table (Master/Detail)

2008-01-28 Thread JT
Hello, I'm new to jQuery (and javascripting) and was wondering how I go about showing the details of a record which is displayed in a table on a new row. Just a basic expand/collapse toggler that pulls data from another page and inserts it into a tr below. Here's the code I have. h2Before /h2