[jQuery] Re: NEWS: jQuery 1.2 Released

2007-09-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
yay \o/ Congrats! ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [REMINDER] jQuery Detection Script

2007-09-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
I will take this opportunity to remind everyone that there is also a firefox plugin. http://www.sunsean.com/jquerydetect/ ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Request: Quick tutorial on jQuery filtering/limiting methods

2007-09-04 Thread Sean Catchpole
I'll try to pull out the time later to write a more thorough response, but for now this is how you would code than line your pasted: $(label).not(:contains('nbsp;')) ~Sean On 9/4/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Anyone have any input on this? Surely someone has written a tute

[jQuery] Re: Looking for a calendar picker that allows for two instances on one page

2007-09-04 Thread Sean O
: http://www.nsftools.com/tips/DatePickerTest.htm I love this control, and I've tried many, searching for the right one. It's multi-instance (5 on some of my forms), fast, quite configurable, styled by CSS, works well in IE FF etc. etc. Good Luck, SEAN O http://www.sean-o.com Andy

[jQuery] Re: Feeling pretty special right about now...

2007-09-04 Thread Sean Catchpole
/drool ~Sean On 9/4/07, Rey Bango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yep, I'm feeling pretty special right about now with my new JQUERY MUG COASTER SET!! wut!!! http://www.reybango.com/images/jquery/jquerymug8x6.jpg http://www.reybango.com/images/jquery/jquerycoaster8x6.jpg Let the envy

[jQuery] Re: next() problems

2007-08-31 Thread Sean
. Selecting the next matching element makes more sense. Sean On Aug 31, 11:08 am, Karl Swedberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Sean, Actually, you can't use .next() in that situation. The argument for .next() acts as a filter for what the very next sibling can be. So, jQuery(this).next('#someId

[jQuery] jqModal content overflowing -- scrollbars?

2007-08-31 Thread Sean O
hidden below. So - how can I have a fixed width height jqModal window that adds a vertical scrollbar to accommodate content that might overflow those bounds? (and works in IE6+ FF2 :) Thanks, _ SEAN O http://www.sean-o.com -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/jqModal

[jQuery] Re: New plugin: elementReady

2007-08-30 Thread Sean Catchpole
This could be very useful on large pages. Great work ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: compare two arrays

2007-08-29 Thread Sean Catchpole
This can be done using mapreduce or other functions, but they are only supported in Firefox atm. Writing a double for loop is easy to code and wider supported. ~Sean On 8/28/07, Potluri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is there a jquery way to compare two arrays without looping. like I have

[jQuery] Re: How optimize $(this).children(span).children(a).html(it works);

2007-08-28 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 8/28/07, Nico [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: $(this).children(span).children(a).html(it works); I would have chosen the following $(span a,this).html(it works); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: xml and xlst and ajax

2007-08-28 Thread Sean Catchpole
This plugin may be of assistance: http://jquery.com/plugins/project/XSLT ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: A Quick Thank You to the jQuery UI team

2007-08-27 Thread Sean Catchpole
? The project is set to release on September the 3rd. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: OT CSS skins

2007-08-27 Thread Sean Catchpole
An interesting post, thank you. I have created a revised version that uses only one image: http://dev.jquery.com/view/branches/sean-dev/pro/pro.html ~Sean On 8/27/07, Alexandre Plennevaux [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: if anyone is interested, Stu Nicholls, one of the most creative css hackers

[jQuery] Re: OT CSS skins

2007-08-27 Thread Sean Catchpole
oh, I had no idea. Thanks for setting me straight. ~Sean On 8/27/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Umm, just FYI - those images are expressly copyrighted and are not allowed to be distributed. Sounds like they need to be re-made from scratch in order for them to stay in jQuery SVN

[jQuery] Re: hide table rows when we type in text box

2007-08-20 Thread Sean O
want to use his plugin, you can at least check out the source code for inspiration. ___ SEAN O http://www.sean-o.com Potluri wrote: Hi everyone, Thanks for everyone who responded for my previous queries. Here is an assignment which I feel challenging for our for our jquery guys

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-08-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
John, that's a very cute trick that I had not thought of. Can that internalized inside the animate so all animations gain that benefit? ~Sean On 8/20/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've re-done the original demo using jQuery's step function (dunno why I didn't think of this before

[jQuery] Re: New Plugin: Live Query (previously called Behavior)

2007-08-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
Excellent work Brandon, I can't wait to give it a try. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [PLUGIN] Templater

2007-08-18 Thread Sean Catchpole
Pretty cool Yehuda, I'll have to give it a shot so I can give ya some feedback. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Avoiding anonymous functions - enhancement suggestion

2007-08-17 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 8/17/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: $(...).onclick().toggle().end(); I really like this idea John. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Creating DOM elements on the fly

2007-08-17 Thread Sean Catchpole
I wrote a fun dom creation plugin, but in the end it's not much better than the built in dom creation: http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/svn/branches/sean-dev/jquery.dom.js ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: changing class

2007-08-16 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hi, Are aware that there are tabs plugins? To answer your question: $(function(){ $(#tabs li a).click(function(){ $(#tabs li).removeClass(select); $(this).parent().addClass(select); }); }); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Updated Plugin: jQuery Timers. jQuery-oriented setTimeout/setInterval

2007-08-15 Thread Sean Catchpole
Looks great Blair, excellent plugin. Thanks ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] tablesorter 2.0 released

2007-08-15 Thread Sean Catchpole
Looks great Christian. I've been using tablesorter for a while, very useful for adding quick sort functionality. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] Brandon Aaron on Ajaxian

2007-08-14 Thread Sean Catchpole
Congrats Brandon! ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Question: Efficient Usage of jQuery

2007-08-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
cluetip code gets executed. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Performance Booster - $( expr, context, fn ) ?

2007-08-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
, and the actual speed gained are minimal at best. I'll chew on the idea and see I can't think of similar speed ups that might work the library model better. Thanks for your input. ~Sean On 8/13/07, willi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hallo, When the search $() returns a lot of objects (1), then you

[jQuery] Re: jquery slimbox?

2007-08-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
There was recently one just made called Moonbox although I cannot find a link at the moment. Keep your eyes open for it. ~Sean On 8/12/07, iblastoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I've searched to no avail thus far. Does anyone know if theres been a port of slimbox (or something similar

[jQuery] Re: Creating Custom Classes

2007-08-11 Thread Sean Catchpole
Mootools tries be a bit more C-like, where jQuery uses javascript OO like peanut butter and jelly. //jQuery version var ajax_request = function(options) { op = { }; //default options $.extend(op,options); //overwrites defaults //more code here like $.ajax() } ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: new cookieJar plugin, feedback please

2007-08-11 Thread Sean Catchpole
Great Plugin! ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Partial Accordion Possible?

2007-08-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 8/10/07, Sam Collett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: http://www.texotela.co.uk/accordiontest.php You could try this: $(#menu).Accordion({header:'li.haschildren[strong]'}); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] jQuery Team Member Jörn Zaeffere r in Javamagzin

2007-08-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
Congrats Jörn! ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery to parse a string

2007-08-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hi, This might be a fancier solution: var s = title.string1-color.string2-size.string3; h={}; $.each(s.split('-'),function(x){ var t = x.split('.'); h[ t[0] ] = t[1]; }); ~Sean On 8/10/07, cfdvlpr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: That's just the kind of help I needed. Here's what I have now

[jQuery] Re: Using jQuery to parse a string

2007-08-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
by the function. ~Sean On 8/10/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Sean... I have a question...when you pass in X to the anonymouse function on the 3rd line, what is x? Is it $(this), a jQuery object? How do you know what it is?

[jQuery] Re: Partial Accordion Possible?

2007-08-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hi Sam, With your html I was able to get this to work: $('#menu').Accordion({ header: 'li strong' }); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Slide Right

2007-08-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 8/9/07, Mike Alsup [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: http://www.malsup.com/jquery/cycle/ Nice plugin Mike, when did you release this?

[jQuery] Re: Slightly OT: overview of HTML5 elements

2007-08-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
That's really cool Stephan, thanks for sharing. HTML needs a refresher. Classitisis is everywhere and it would be nice to have a few more useful tags to play with. Then again I use XML so I just make tags up anyway =P. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Move JSON into the JQuery's core?

2007-08-07 Thread Sean Catchpole
This would be a wonderful application for a download builder. The core should remain exactly that, a core. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Best way to select a cell in a table?

2007-08-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
way of writing it. Matt, using :eq is certainly the best idea. Your example would be: $(tr:eq(1) td:eq(2)) If you wanted to iterate through the table you could do: $(tr).each(function(i){ $(td,this).each(function(j){ $(this).html(Row: +i+, Col: +j); }); }); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Using JQuery in firefox extension

2007-08-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
select the body. Hope that helps. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Turning a checkbox on and off

2007-08-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
Mtich, I like to toggle checkbox states by emulating a click. This allows for any bound events to also trigger. $(:checkbox).click() ~Sean

[jQuery] Eloquent JavaScript hyper-book

2007-08-03 Thread Sean O
, but experienced users can find information of some use. A nice touch is the click-to-run code samples that launch in a console attached to the foot of the browser. They even feature an off-line download of the hyper-book and a print version. All free. http://eloquentjavascript.net/ SEAN O http

[jQuery] Re: Coder vs Designer?

2007-08-02 Thread Sean Catchpole
the data given. I like to use XML because then the designer can decide which information to grab and manipulate using XSL into HTML. Here's a rundown of how the languages map on the model I'm using. Data Layer: MySQL / PHP / XML Presentation Layer: XML / XSL / HTML / CSS / JS ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Best practices for dynamic form creation?

2007-08-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
(display,inline).append( $('input type=image src=images/icons/cancel.gif') .attr(id,j.items[0].item_id) ).click(...).appendTo(#content p) That's just one of many ways of doing it. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Good Javascript editor or IDE?

2007-08-01 Thread Sean Catchpole

[jQuery] Re: tr[position() mod 3 = 0]

2007-07-30 Thread Sean Catchpole
Dmitrii, the code Erik Beeson pasted works, here's another option: $.extend({expr:{::{mod: i%m[3]==0}}}); //adds mod selector $(tr:mod(3)) ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: History anchors with variable and value (#var=value)

2007-07-30 Thread Sean Catchpole
eval(window.+s[0]+'='+s[1]+';'); } })(); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: tr[position() mod 3 = 0]

2007-07-30 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 7/30/07, John Resig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As of jQuery 1.1.3 you can now do: $(tr:nth-child(3n)) I knew it! I couldn't remember which selector did it, but I thought I had seen it before. Thanks John. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [NEWS] jQuery Essentials - Round 2

2007-07-28 Thread Sean Catchpole
Great article. Those are some wonderful plugins (including Round 1). ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: ANNOUNCE: jTagEditor 1.0 beta

2007-07-26 Thread Sean Catchpole
Looks great Jay! Keep up the hard work. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: vs '

2007-07-26 Thread Sean Catchpole
whichever you feel is better for the situation. Some people are used to single quotes representing characters, whereas others think html = double quotes, javascript = single quotes. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [To Klaus] tabs plugin suggestion

2007-07-24 Thread Sean Catchpole
Rob, If I understood you correctly, then idTabs does exactly what your asking for. http://www.sunsean.com/idTabs/ If I misunderstood, can you clarify? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [To Klaus] tabs plugin suggestion

2007-07-24 Thread Sean Catchpole
at the moment the only thing you can't change dynamically is which tab a tab opens. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: A jQuery success story

2007-07-20 Thread Sean Catchpole
A Great Story Michael, thank you. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Slow plugin scripts -- any way to speed them up?

2007-07-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
Kim, Just as general rules for speeding things up. Saving results rather than searching multiple times will always speed things up. As I said though, it's hard to give specific suggestions without seeing more code. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: escaping characters in regex

2007-07-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
) { serial = $.SortSerialize(s); var hash = serial.hash; var temp = hash.replace(/sort1\[\]=/gi,''); }; If not, can you post some example hash's ? ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Interested in porting another DOM creation plugin?

2007-07-13 Thread Sean Catchpole
I have better suggestion for children than the one presented in that article. DOMdom way: { 'div': [ 'span', 'span' ] } my suggestion: div (span,span) The ( and ) are for grouping. This allows for multiple children, making text easy: $(body).domAppend(p (#this, b #is, #fun)); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: too much recursion (sound PopUp)

2007-07-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
The problem is with this line: sound=window.open(url,'soundbumbam','height=50,width=150'); Try declaring sound at the top of the script var sound; ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: [ANNOUNCE] planet.jquery.com

2007-07-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
Great work guys. Looks awesome. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Interested in porting another DOM creation plugin?

2007-07-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
I really like this idea. It could be very powerful. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Remove Column from a table

2007-07-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
$('#myid table').find('th:first-child, td:first-child').remove(); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Setting DOM values (non-attributes)

2007-07-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
jQuery returns an array of DOM elements, so try this: $('#postedText')[0].scrollTop = ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Slow plugin scripts -- any way to speed them up?

2007-07-12 Thread Sean Catchpole
Kim, tablesort should be able to handle a table that big. Do you have a live example? ~Sean

[jQuery] Fwd: [jQuery] Re: allow no more than 3 checkboxes checked

2007-07-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
).addClass(disabled): self.not(:checked).attr(disabled,false).removeClass(disabled); }); } $(input:checkbox).limit(3); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Element defined or not

2007-07-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
) ... ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Fwd: [jQuery] Re: allow no more than 3 checkboxes checked

2007-07-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 7/10/07, Andy Matthews [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Why add the class disabled Sean? In case someone wanted to change the CSS when it is disabled. On 7/10/07, Jonathan Sharp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: You're missing your return statement in this revised version (for the noob's: which is needed

[jQuery] Re: NEWS: Digg uses jQuery to Build the Digg iPhone App

2007-07-10 Thread Sean Catchpole
Cool news, thanks for the info Rey. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
I'll whip up a plugin when I get a chance. It will act and feel just like the current $.animate but use classes instead of DOM styling. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Scroller ticker...

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
I like newsticker: http://www.texotela.co.uk/code/jquery/newsticker/ ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
, this new animation function will only speed up simultaneous animations, it will not speed up 64 different animations (if that's how you're doing it). ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
not including it in the core, at least for the time being. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
I believe that learning jquery returns an array like object is more useful than creating a .exists() function. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Is there a way to READ the $.ajax settings?

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
$.ajaxSettings.async ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 7/9/07, Jörn Zaefferer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I can't find the initial branch of this thread. Could someone repeat what exists() is supposed to do? $.fn.exists = function() { return !!this.length; } ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: allow no more than 3 checkboxes checked

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
(self.filter(:checked).length=n); }); } $(input:checkbox).limit(3); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Getting the next span

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
$('#span1').bind('click', function() { return $(this).next(span); }); or $('#span1').bind('click', function() { return $(~ span,this); }); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Is there a way to READ the $.ajax settings?

2007-07-09 Thread Sean Catchpole
is well documented). ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Introducing Hot Chili

2007-07-08 Thread Sean Catchpole
A very interested greasemonkey script, thank you. Some downsides are picking the right color theme for the right background color. And also, if this was a full firefox extension then you could integrate it into the right click menu nicely. Cheers ~Sean On 7/8/07, Andrea Ercolino [EMAIL

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-06 Thread Sean Catchpole
at the original, it start is at 100%, but that's just my hacked showcase, inside of the jQuery animation all would work seamlessly. Let me know if you find further problems. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-06 Thread Sean Catchpole
are incredible. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Tabs or mini tabs?

2007-07-06 Thread Sean Catchpole
/script You also have this text randomly on the page: sual1 ul).idTabs(); /SCRIPT Hope that helps, I'll try to make the source more readable when I release the next version of idTabs. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
Timeouts instead of actually keep track of time, so hopefully it would be a little smoother when implemented properly. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
Good point Glen, I've updated my example so that finds and saves the td's. Now all that should be profiled are the animations. http://www.sunsean.com/cssAnimate.html ~Sean On 7/5/07, Glen Lipka [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It brings up an interesting point. All the speed tests are to FIND

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
. There may be lots of browser compatibility issues. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Feature suggestion: animating through stylesheets

2007-07-05 Thread Sean Catchpole
to be a total fade out and in, or is it supposed to be like a streak of light passing over the characters? DOM seems more like the streak, while CSS fades everything evenly. Ideally they should all fadeOut then fadeIn at the same time. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Tabs or mini tabs?

2007-07-03 Thread Sean Catchpole
would also find that useful. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: docs.jquery.com

2007-07-02 Thread Sean Catchpole
of the library which will stay the same. Hopefully the books will be updated for all major version changes, but regardless always using the most up-to-date api reference is advisable. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: inner loop values

2007-07-02 Thread Sean Catchpole
+'tdrow '+ i +'/td/tr'); $('#t1 tr#row'+ i).click( function(){ alert(this.id); } ); } }); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: jQuery 1.1.3: 800%+ Faster, still 20KB

2007-07-01 Thread Sean Catchpole
Excellent news! Using jQuery is like eating Ice Cream for the first time, you're just so happy. =) ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Collapsible List

2007-06-29 Thread Sean Catchpole
taking a guess, since h4 is the object and prodcat is the class. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Naming Conventions

2007-06-29 Thread Sean Catchpole
wanted to use the name .mask, we could still use .maskInput ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: jQuery architecture need explanation

2007-06-28 Thread Sean Catchpole
I'll take my shot at giving a crude and rough overview of the magic behind jQuery. Javascript is somewhat of an after-the-fact editor in the sense that it change change or edit the html after the client has received it. Of course it can do much more, but lets focus on this for a moment. jQuery

[jQuery] Re: jQuery for GreaseMonkey

2007-06-27 Thread Sean Catchpole
using $, but without conflicting other libraries. (function($){ [code] })(jQuery); ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Integrating Google Internal Site Search using jquery

2007-06-27 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hi, I don't really see the point of making this a jQuery plugin, it's very straightforward as is. Now perhaps if the searches where returned via ajax then that's a different story. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: error at new plugin page

2007-06-27 Thread Sean Catchpole
I posted about this as a bug under the jquery plugins page... on the jquery plugins page. It's most likely a problem with dates being 1963 or something like that. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: Scrolling Text (Headlines) and/or Marquee in Jquery?

2007-06-26 Thread Sean Catchpole
newsticker works for me: http://www.texotela.co.uk/code/jquery/newsticker/ ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: jQuery for GreaseMonkey

2007-06-25 Thread Sean Catchpole
On 6/25/07, Kia Niskavaara [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Will this work if a site already is using jquery? Should do, jQuery has it's own double loading protection. ~Sean


2007-06-25 Thread Sean Catchpole
or tags with ':' in them so you have the best solution there. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: NEWS: jQuery-Powered Site down2night.com on Mashable

2007-06-25 Thread Sean Catchpole
Sweet, thanks for the info. ~Sean

[jQuery] Re: jQuery for GreaseMonkey

2007-06-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
Hey Michael, If you code is inside of the usual $(function(){...}) then it will not exectute. I have not changed over v1.1.2 to Greasemonkey, but if I get time today I will do so. ~Sean

[jQuery] ANNOUNCE: zoomi plugin!

2007-06-23 Thread Sean Catchpole
the styles from the css file. Check out the example of this problem here: http://www.sunsean.com/styletest/ If anyone knows the answer please let me know. Enjoy ^_^ ~Sean

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