I am using the Jeditable plugin and I have noticed a small issue in
Chrome and Safari.  If I edit the text, submit it or click away, then
try to edit again, the textarea appears, but it is extremely small.
For some reason, the height and width values that I specify in the
Jeditable parameters are not being applied the second time.

Has anybody else experienced this?

Here is my basic html and javascript:

<p class="FavoriteNotes">
    <span style="font-weight: bold;">My Notes: </span>
    <span class="EditNotes">This is a test</span>

    function(value, settings) {
        return EditNotes(favId, value);
        indicator   : "Saving...",
        tooltip     : "Click to edit...",
        type        : "textarea",
        height      : "50px",
        width       : "435px",
        event       : "edit",
        onblur      : "submit"

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