[jQuery] Re: Returning Javascript

2009-02-17 Thread hj
, *as is*, into the document, it's likely that the form ('#myform') is not yet available to be found by document.getElementById(). -- hj

[jQuery] DOM element as message when blocking element

2009-02-03 Thread HJ
I seem to have found a bug. If I try to use $('#someelement').block ({ message: $('#loadingMessage') }); Then when I unblock with $('#someelement').unblock(); the loading message is removed from the DOM, so any subsequent calls to block it fail and cause a JS error. Everything works fine if I

[jQuery] Re: Getting Parent Element using this

2008-05-09 Thread hj
= this.form.action; ... }); }); -- hj

[jQuery] Re: Way to designate links as form submitters?

2008-05-02 Thread hj
Anyway to do that? Have certain links, say with an id of link, to be programmed to submit a form when clicked? Why not mark up the links as buttons, or input type=submit elements, and then just use CSS to style them appropriately? -- hj

[jQuery] Re: getScript is great to add scripts dynamically, but how might you remove scripts?

2008-04-23 Thread hj
of the script you intend to remove, this may be workable; otherwise, it's a big housekeeping problem. -- hj

[jQuery] Re: tbody and jQuery

2008-04-17 Thread hj
is inferred, if necessary, by the browser. http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/tables.html#edef-TBODY -- hj

[jQuery] Re: Remove script

2008-04-08 Thread hj
, this can get *really* hairy. -- hj

[jQuery] Re: Remove script

2008-04-03 Thread hj
the script, or the functions and variables that it defines? To remove the script element, try: jQuery('script[src*=test.js]').remove(); But that will only remove the element from the DOM; all the functions and variables it defines will still exists. -- hj

[jQuery] Re: How do I get a standard DOM object from jQuery selector.

2008-04-02 Thread hj
DOM API ... which in this case does exactly what you want (and likely faster than jQuery access). Otherwise, var target = jQuery('#context .target').get(0); -- hj

[jQuery] Re: About jQuery.attr(type,value)

2008-02-14 Thread hj
solution is what andrea varnier suggested; but that leaves the responsibility of duplicating ID, classes, style, hooked events, etc. to *you*. -- hj

[jQuery] Re: Error - getComputedStyle?

2008-01-29 Thread hj
- provide a substitute method, either. Try this (untested): function getStyleOf(elem,ref) { return (document.defaultView ? document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(elem,ref) : elem.currentStyle); } -- hj

[jQuery] Re: ajax load, url variable question.

2008-01-22 Thread hj
criteria.Platform.PlatformID It's not a var; try $(#games).load($siteRoot/file/ajaxgames.aspx, {criteria: {Platform : {PlatformID : $(this).val()}}, view: normal}) -- hj

[jQuery] Re: FlyDOM + New Input Field != New Field being Submitted

2007-12-24 Thread hj
On Dec 21, 3:15 pm, Bitruder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm using jQuery + FlyDOM to add new elements dynamically after page load to the DOM tree. I'm adding new input fields this way. They are clearly within form/form tags (added as children to a div within the form/form ). However, when I

[jQuery] Re: JSS - New Plug-in

2007-10-09 Thread hj
On Oct 9, 12:56 am, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Oct 8, 3:42 pm, Andy Kent [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: snip Yep, absolutely. If you have any ideas on how we could test a browsers support for a selector without maintaining a hard coded list then I would love to hear

[jQuery] Re: Syntactic sugar for checking whether an element exists

2007-07-11 Thread hj
and appreciate jQuery. But there is value in knowing the DOM API. For a simple test like this one: does an element with this ID exist?, I'd simply say: if (document.getElementById('my-element')) { // and so on } -- hj

[jQuery] Re: using jQuery with multiple libraries

2007-05-10 Thread hj
on prototype's older, broken API needed fixing, specifically: someObject.extend({key: value, ...}) becomes Object.extend(someObject,{key: value, ...}); -- hj