64squar.es is a completely free, fully featured and easy to use online
chess site with a clean simple interface.

Users can play opponents in real-time by dragging and dropping the
pieces just like a real chess board. Ajax is used to make your moves
on the opponent's board and vice versa.

We are trying to blur the distinction between real-time online play
and correspondence chess. If a user is not online when a move is made,
they are sent an email.

Other features:

  * Customize board color
  * In game chat
  * Take-backs
  * Avatars
  * Implementation of ELO Ranking
  * Email Notification

64squar.es is built using Ruby on Rails and Jquery. It also uses
Juggernaut (a ruby on rails plugin http://juggernaut.rubyforge.com) to
remove the need for polling to improve responsiveness and ease future
scaling. We're planning exciting new features in the coming months.

Check it out here : http://64squar.es. Sign up is completely free.

Blog : http://blog.64squar.es
Discuss: http://groups.google.com/group/64squares/
Created by : http://www.parkerfox.co.uk

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