I have been working on implementing the Bayeux protocol in jQuery and with
the recent talk on the list about LIVE ajax and server pushing I thought now
would be a good time to release the early work and start getting some
feedback. It will work on Jettys Cometd Echo Demo. To get it to work, remove
all the dojo scripts, and jquery and this plugin. In your on ready add
$.comet.init('/cometd'). Bind a listener to an element listening for
'/service/echo' and publish ($.comet.publish) a message to the echo service
$.comet.publish('/service/echo', {msg: 'what ever message'}). The second
param of the event trigger will be that data return from the Cometd server.
Subscriptions are a bit shaky at the moment, I am rewriting the chatroom
demo to ensure it is working. Check out the code at
and the project page at

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