I've noticed some strange behavior in IE7 for the bassistance
autocomplete plugin.

1.  This bug can be seen on the demo page here:

Type something into the "Multiple Birds (remote)" field and select one
of the autocomplete choices.  Type a couple more letters so the drop
down appears again. Hold shift while selecting a second option from
the autocomplete drop down and everything below that input box
disappears.  I've noticed this behavior on my site also.

Can someone verify that this is happening for them also?

2.  Even though I have the option "multiple" set to "true", it is
replacing my first selection every time I select an additional item
from the autocomplete drop down.  It also will not add a return as a
line separator even though I have the option:

multipleSeparator: "\n"

You can see the behavior here:  http://www.xyggy.com

Again these bugs are only in IE7

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

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