In the code below It seems that if i uncomment the return true; at the
bottom it seems to happen before the ajax call is complete.. is there
anyway to force it to wait for the call or have the call back return
true or false and have that be returned to the submit's function?

        $("form").bind("submit",function() {
                $.ajax({url: "",
                        cache: false,
                        type: "POST",
                        dataType: "json",
                        data: $("form").serializeArray(),
                        success: function(data) {
                                if(data.ErrorsFound != "") {
input").each(function(i, element){  $
(element).removeClass(data.removeClasses); });
                                        $.each(data.requiredfields, function(i, 
required) {
if($("input#"+required.field).hasClass(required.classname) !=
true) {
                                        return false;
                                } else {
                                        return true;
                if($("div#ErrorsFound").text() == ""){
                        //return true;
                        return false;

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