Hi folks,

I'm having trouble with a bit of jQuery/CSS stuff, and I'm hoping someone
here could explain what the heck I'm doing wrong. I am not by any stretch a
CSS guy. I do what I can to get by. Also (and I know this sticks in lots of
people's craw), this only *has to* work in IE. This is an internal app for a
company who does not use FF or any other browser.

I've got the following in my main index file:

       <script src="/Include/JS/jquery.js"></script>

       <div class="MainWrapper"> <!--- This creates the border and colors
that we're used to on our submodals --->
           <div class="LeftPanel">
               <div class="ActionHeader">Add New</div>
               <div class="ActionSelection"
method="displayAddCancelCode">Cancel Code</div>
               <div class="ActionSelection"
method="displayAddCancelReason">Cancellation Reason</div>
               <div class="ActionHeader">Edit/Delete</div>
               <div class="ActionSelection"
method="displayEditCancelCode">Cancel Code</div>
               <div class="ActionSelection"
method="displayEditCancelReason">Cancellation Reason</div>
           <div class="RightPanel">
               <div class="StatusBar"></div>
               <div class="RightPanelContent"></div>

The relevant CSS is: (don't mind the #someVar# it's a ColdFusion thing.
Those are evaluated to actual colors before they hit the browser)
       height            : 413px;
       width            : 100%;
       margin            : 2px 0px 0px 0px;
       padding            : 3px;
       border            : 3px solid #ThisMasterConsoleTableBorderColor#;
       background-color: #ThisMasterConsoleTableBackgroundColor#;
       float         : left;
       border-right : 1px solid #ThisMasterConsoleTableBorderColor#;
       width         : 150px;
       height         : 400px;
       float    : right;
       border    : 1px dashed ##A0A0A0;
       width    : 400px;
       height    : 400px;
       color            : ##A0A0A0;
       font-weight        : bold;
       width            : 100%;
       height            : 15px;
       border-bottom    : 1px dashed ##A0A0A0;
       text-align        : right;

   /* Generic Classes */
       font-weight        : bold;
       color            : #ThisMasterConsoleHeaderTextColor#;
       background-color: #ThisMasterConsoleHeaderBackgroundColor#;
       padding            : 3px;
       margin-right    : 3px;
       cursor            : default;
       padding-left: 5px;
       cursor        : pointer;
       text-decoration: underline;
       color: green;

Okay, so I've got a nice box with a three pixel border around it and it sits
in a browser window sized just right leaving a two-pixel space between the
edge of the window and the three pixel border. When I mouseover one of the
ActionSelection divs the text contained within dutifully underlines and
changes color. However, the MainWrapper also seems to get two pixels taller
leaving me with a three pixel border on the top, left and right and a one
pixel border on the bottom! :o( The two pixel margin between the browser
window's bottom edge and that one remaining pixel of the bottom three pixel
border however, remains unchanged.

I can attach some before and after screen shots if that would help.
Unfortunately, the code resides behind a firewall, and is not accessible to
the public. :o(

Can anyone help me, please?

Many Thanks,


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