I'm a complete newbie to jQuery.  I've been looking at and toying with
it for a few weeks, but this is my first real world attempt to
implement it.

I have a site that uses a Thawte certification image, but the image
shows up slowly at times that Thawte's server is feeling under the
weather.  Since I have no control over their script or their server--
and since the image's current position is mid-page--I'd like to be
able to just put in a placeholder and then load it after the rest of
the page is done.  (Presently, it can delay the page's loading.)

Currently (just for testing), I have tried placing a script block
inside an IDed div, and setting that script's src attribute, but the
entire page is replaced with the Thawte image.  Is what I'm after even
possible?  Or am I just going about it in the wrong way?

I've dummied up a couple of pages to show what's happening.  (So far,
I've only tested in FF


The first page tries to load the image on ready().  Since you can't
see the page after the Thawte image takes over, I created the second
page (..._button...) to execute the same process after clicking a

The "Secured by Thawte" logo requires including a script tag with an
SRC that points to an EXE on Thawte's servers.  I presume that
Thawte's scripts use either doc.write() or add a new Image() to the
parent element.  I'm honestly not sure.

Thanks in advance,

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