
I have a latin-1 encoded webpage that i'm loading text/html into
using .load

When i'm loading in english text everything is fine and dandy although
today i had the pages translated and the pages now don't display the
special characters properly.

I'm pretty sure this has got to do with the fact that the text i'm
passing to jquery is latin-1 not utf-8 so it screws up.

Here's my js;


I would just change the format of the file to utf-8 but i'm calling in
the same file using a virtual include (just incase the user doesnt
have javascript enabled) so it needs to be latin-1.

I need to somehow keep the file as latin-1 but get jquery/javascript
to understand it, either by encoding it as utf-8 (on the fly) or some
other crazy means.

I'd very much appreciate any help/advice.


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