My cropping image function works just after loading the image but not
during window resizing. The problem is if there's a width="100%"
somewhere in the page but no height="100%", enlarging vertical only
adds white space instead of cropping larger. Any size calculation
based on actual values fails so I need a way to determine the optimal
size without white space on unlimited screen size. Is this somehow

 $.fn.cropImage = function (maxW, maxH, minW, minH) {
   var w = $(this).width();
   var h = $(this).height();
   var winW = document.body.clientWidth;
   var docW = document.body.scrollWidth;
   var availW = w + (winW - docW);
   var winH = document.body.clientHeight;
   var docH = document.body.scrollHeight;
   var availH = h + (winH - docH);
   availW = Math.max (Math.min (Number(maxW), Number(availW)),
   availH = Math.max (Math.min (Number(maxH), Number(availH)),
   var scale = Math.min (availW / w, availH / h);
   w = w * scale;
   h = h * scale;
   $(this).css ({width:w, height:h});

Does anybody have a better idea how to determine the cropping scale
based on actual window size?

O. Wyss

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