Hello all,

I have a page with an iframe inside of a div tag.  In the iframe, I
have a page with several flash objects.  Each of the flash objects is
a button that, when clicked, will load another page into the iframe.
There is also functionality to show and hide the div containing the
iframe.  This is where my problem lies.  Right now, I am simply
calling the fadeIn() and fadeOut() functions on the container div,
which is working fine in ie, safari, and opera.  However, in Firefox,
the Flash objects are not fading out with the rest of the HTML on the
page.  They remain unchanged, then become invisible with the rest of
the div once the animation completes.  Is there a way around this
(while still keeping the Flash buttons)?  I'm sure there is, but I
haven't been able to find anything on the subject while combing
various discussion boards and documentation online.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about:

<div id="frameWrapper">
     <iframe id="myFrame" src="page.html"  style="width:886px;height:
538px;" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto">
<div id="hideButton">Click here to hide the div up there</div>

$("#hideButton").click( function() {

This isn't exactly the code I'm using (and its obviously abridged for
the sake of this forum) but it's along the lines of what I'm doing.
If anyone could offer me some insight as to why Flash objects don't
fade in Firefox or could point me in the right direction I would
really appreciate it.  Thanks

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